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"why are you here, damon?"—

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"why are you here, damon?"

"CHICAGO was magical," Niklaus smiled in memory, cuddling Eden against his chest.

She wasn't sure exactly what changed since the night of the full moon a week prior, but something had completely shifted in their dynamic. In her, entirely.

She felt...good.

Memories were coming back, slowly and inconsequentially, but enough for Eden to have hope in them being restored entirely. The only inclination Eden had to the change was her accepting her bond with Nik, similar to when she first accepted the one with Elijah.

Having worked through most of the issues between her and Elijah, the pair were speaking more often and flirtatiously teasing one another.

Baby steps.

But she liked it.

Nik, on the other hand, was incredibly affectionate. Where Elijah was patient and cautious in touching her — a hand on her back, pressing a kiss to her head in passing — Nik was abundant in his attachment to her.

He was almost always touching her, and not as subtly as his brother. He gripped around her waist and planted kisses on her shoulder and held her hand. Both of them would tease her, toss comments back and forth about her blush, but none of them acted upon it seriously.

It was light and loving and exactly what Eden needed.

"Yeah, well," Stefan shrugged. "I'll take your word for it. Like I said, I don't remember most of it."

"Down to business, then?" Nik asked, tugging Eden along with him, his hand sliding into hers. She walked between he and Elijah, who met her gaze when her eyes looked up to him.

"Why am I still with you?" Stefan asked. "We had our fun. Your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?"

"You want to leave?" Eden asked softly, face falling.

His eyes met hers and she noticed a flicker of guilt. "I just...I didn't ask to be here, Eden."

"But you chose to stay," Nik pointed out. "What are you so eager to get back to?"

"It doesn't matter," Stefan shook his head. "You're healing, Eden, you don't need me. You need these two."

"I don't exactly have any other friends," Eden pointed out. "My best mates are thousands of miles away and it feels weird talking to them because I'm stuck in the past and they're not. You're the only one who's been in this process with me."

Surprise filled his face and his expression softened. "I didn't think of it like that."

"You're welcome to go," Elijah added, glancing to Niklaus. "We can make do on our own."

Stefan looked between the two brothers, then to Eden, and sighed. "No, I...I'm sorry. I...don't hate this. Let's just go."

"Do you think we can make time for an off-Broadway show?" Eden asked. "Or to see the Art Insititute? Or—"

FROM EDEN ― mikaelsonsWhere stories live. Discover now