Terrified of the Dark - Jan Peteh & Nace Jordan

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It was the 30th of June and today was Nace's Birthday! He was currently out with Bojan, Kris and Jure who offered to help distract him, while Jan was trying to cook his favourite dish for dinner, Pasta Carbonara, gluten free of course.

Nace couldn't eat it that often since he was Gluten Intolerant and not everyone, and especially not a lot of Restaurants offered Glutenfree meals. So if he didn't make it himself or his Mom, he could barley eat it. Jan of course could cook it more often, but he was not the best cook and cooking was exhausting for him, so he only did it on special occasions. And today was such a special occasion. Nace's birthday.

He was planning a lovely dinner and then spend the evening on the couch cuddling and of course giving him his birthday present. He bought a cute customized necklace that has his favorite bass on it and on the back of the bass he had their initials and the date they first kissed written. He hoped Nace would like this one, it's cute but also meaningful and yet simple enough. That way he would always have Jan with him even when he's not physically there.

He prepared the table with a white rose (his favorite) in a vase on the table with a black tablecloth underneath and putting the box with the Necklace on his Plate so he would see it, when they were sitting down. After he was done with setting up the table nicely, he went to the kitchen to start cooking dinner.

It was a typical hot summer day with a thunderstorm coming their way right now. Jan was not that worried about it, as it was nothing unusual for the area and the time. But just as he was putting the pasta in the pot and taking the sauce off the stove, you could see a flash, then hear a very loud thunder and then the powet went off. Because of all the clouds in the sky and the time already showing 9pm, it was now pitch black dark in the apartment they lived together.

Jan flinched at the thunder and sudden darkness but tried to stay calm and searched for his phone to put the flashlight on so it wasn't completely dark. But when he found his phone, he noticed that it was out of battery.

‚Stay calm Jan, nothing's happening. It's all normal. It can happen that the power goes off when there's a storm outside. It will come back in a few minutes.' But it seemed as if this time the power was off for longer. Every second that passed, made Jan feel more and more scared and he felt panic rising in him and tears swelling in his eyes.

If only Nace was here now. But he was out with the boys. He couldn't even call him. or anyone. Jan was now full on crying and shaking out of panic. He hated the dark, he was absolutely terrified of the dark. He just slid down on the kitchen cabinet putting his knees up and wrapping his arms around them, trying to find some comfort in it.

He was so focused on himself that he didn't even hear Nace coming back home. Only when Nace's phone light reached him and he carefully took away his Arms and softly pushed his knees down, he noticed that Nace was back. „Hey Janči, i'm here shhhh it's okay, don't worry. Come here." Nace invited him to sit on his lap on the floor opening his arms for a big hug.

Jan happily accepted that and climbed on his boyfriend's lap, burried his face into his neck and let Nace hug him. They sat there in silence for a while until Jan calmed down. It was still dark and the power was still not back on, but Jan felt more safe, now that Nace was with him. He was not so terrified anymore. There was still lots of angst in him but he felt as if, as long as Nace was with him, he could handle it.

„They said on the radio that the power collapsed and it'll probably take until the morning to get it back on, so I came here as fast as I could. You know, you never told me why your so afraid of the dark." Nace spoke with warmth in his voice. Jan knew he wouldn't pressure him to say anything but he wanted to say it. He took some time to gather his thoughts and started to speak slowly.

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