☁️𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙨☁️ ||GentleEgg||

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WOAH!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST FANFIC OF THE BOOOK!!!!!! Some amazing GentleEgg!!! *we all say in unision.* ALRIGHT LETS GO!

Storyline: TheGentleman and Mr. Egg have a lil battle.

WARNING!!!: Sorry for the bad grammar 😞


It was a gloomy day, TheGentleman was sitting at one of the tables in the ship's cafeteria. He felt gloomy just being cooped up in the Skeld for weeks on end. Sure they land on Mira HQ and Polus, but just having to be on that constant grind gets tiring. Perhaps he needed something to lighten his sour mood, but what? He grumbled as he got up from the chair and made his way to his room, it got quite boring around here. And headache inducing, considering he had to put up with everyone's loud and annoying shenanigans.

Of course, he means that in the best of heart. But at last, it annoys him nonetheless. It's just how it is for the old scrounge, he finds himself chuckling a little bit at that name. Everyone loves calling him that, promising that he and Scrooge McDuck would very much get along. Maybe they were right, then both are quite similar in many ways, but he was no duck. He was a hard working fancy double top hatted crewmate.

After his little babbling to himself he finally made it to his room, he slid his keycard in the slot and watched as the metal doors unlocked and slid opened. He made his way inside the dark cold room and felt the wall for the light switch, once he had felt it he used his index finger to switch it on. He eyed his now brightened room, his bed was pushed directly into the very left corner of the room while his desk on the opposite side against the wall facing his closest. He knew he knew, a very boring sounding room.

It was all TheGentleman could do with the limited space he was provided with by the Skeld's housing units, but at last. He made do with it. He walked over to his desk and set his tablet down containing his tasks, he sighed softly and made his way to his bed sitting on it. He had leaned over and began untying his boots, it took quite a while considering the amount of shoelaces that were on the crewmate's boot.

After untying the other boot on his left foot and setting the pair of shoes neatly near the bed he leaned back and looked at the ceiling, he often does this a lot during the day. Reflect, he could go on for hours and hours on end. He was wondering how all of his friends were doing, mentally at least. Everyone has been quite rather sad with the departure of Player, he hasn't been around the Lobby for at least a year now. TheGentleman found himself choking on those words.

My my my, a whole year without Player. I-I don't know what to feel.

He did know what to feel, he felt sad, betrayed, and bitter. He hated the fact that Player wouldn't give his friends the time of day anymore, ever since he won he hasn't found much of a reason to hang around the old crew anymore. It was a sad reality TheGentleman didn't want to see, but he didn't need too. Because he was already living it, in full force as well. TheGentleman felt a small tear roll down his cheek, he lifted his hand up to his face and used his fingers to gently stroke the tears away.

He brought up his hand closer to his face, right where he could see the small wet spot on his fingers. He closed his eyes once more, he sighed and tried to get his mind off the whole ordeal, he had done his best attempt to put the situation away but he just couldn't. Its not easy forgetting someone whom you were close with for many years, it's not easy just letting someone go like that. TheGentleman knew the feeling all too well many times, much more than he would like to admit.

He rolled over to his side now facing the wall, he just wanted to forget. He didn't want to keep thinking about the unfortunate circumstances he and everyone else was left with. He wanted to forget Mr. Player and move on, he wanted too so desperately. But one can only wish and hope, TheGentleman finally settled his thoughts well and tried thinking about other stuff that would captivate his attention. Just then he heard the metal door slide open, he then heard a familiar soft British voice called out.

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