Unforgotten summer

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It is a story of a love and destiny. The destiny was that yellow bench made by a lover in a sunset point in the hill for his lover there destine is they are mean to be meet each other and separated by destiny.

The story take place in 1952 in a small village of Uttar Pradesh. we saw a boy name Praneet Singh.

The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day. I feel a mix of relief and sadness; it's the last day of 10th grade. Despite the fact that my classmates often bullied me, I'll miss them..

Finally the summer vacation starts and the happiness kicks in again. The times come to enjoy does days. First of all I go to home to take shower because this heat wave wont let me live.

And then as for me goes to the market to grab those essential things for fun with my bicycle. when I was returning home I met with an a small accident a car overtake me from backside they unable to see me. I called them an idiot.

Then the charming little face look at me in a angry way. I didn't realize why she is angry at me even though it was all their fault.

 I cant see her face clearly but I notice she wear a bracelet with little stars on it. through the side mirror of car  I just saw the glimpse of her eyes

When I  reach home daddi continuously asking me where did you get scratch on your hand? you need to ride carefully beta. then I go to shower it hurts when water falls on that injury and just remember her bracelet and her stunning eyes. 

After that I heard a whisper my dadi is talking with a girl .then I see same bracelet in her hand she wear it , when the car hit me. and then she is the same girl who was angry on me that idiot one.

She cames to introduce her self his name is Pihu Sharma after some times her family also comes to introduction her father name is Vikrant Sharma and she is a only girl in the family and has no brother and sisters.  

Her father was an ex army officer now they retired and join our school as an  PT teacher.

After period of time in evening  dadi sent me to pihu's house to give her some pickle when I go there, they were having dinner and they invite me also I said no uncle its ok. uncle said no please take kheer ok. fine but I was still nervous. 

Then they called pihu and said bring extra bowl for a young man. later on he started asking me questions about myself name, standard, school and all. 

Then pihu comes and said stop it dad he will get scared and said don't take it him serious. enjoy the kheer but when pihu see me he get quit surprised. and me to then I realized. what is it called falling in love" we both were face to face for first time. 

I still little nervous because she sit next to me and my heart beat start rapidly then I accidently spilled the kheer on it and spoiled there dinner. but pihu's father said no worries I clean there and said to pihu take him towards the washroom and I was so embarrassed but I don't have any choices and I go with her. 

on between she start teasing me and said according to you we are idiot right. and I was quite that time. after that uncle said if you are free then please take pihu on tour of a town.

I said yes to uncle I will be free at 10:am and definitely goes with pihu and also thank you for dinner. can I go uncle my daddi is worried about me its too late. uncle said I drop you. I already scared. just say its ok uncle I have bicycle. and I leaved there house.

After that her father said he is a little weird but pihu said not weird but nervous I think he. its new for him meeting with new people. but I don't know why I am thinking about him. praneet's weird smile. anyways I had to sleep. he will come at 10am.

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