Dry roses...

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This story continued from praneet when he lost her love life in 1952. After that he became a successful builder and made a park on that hill. in the name of khusi's garden In the name of his dadi. He is a fighter he was still alive after that tragedy happen but he passed away on 5th may 2020. He happily enjoyed his life till he turn 78 and he passed away. after they passed we see in the garden above the bench two birds flew away happily ever after. Indicating that there journey of incomplete love is completed, happily go to after life.

We saw a boy name Aditya his boss yelling at him and giving advice, to take a leave because you didn't take a single holiday ever since you lost your family in a earthquake. of course your a workaholic and I am agree with it but this is not good for your health, why are you hurting yourself every single day, you everyday work 24/7. I am applying for your leave if you won't accept I gonna fired you.

Boss please, understand I don't feel like staying at home, their memories always haunt me in my house, that's why you need a holiday boss said.

Ok don't fired me I accept your holiday, that's my boy it seems so good enjoy your holiday boss said.

When Jessica find out that I am going on holiday, she will be very happy. Jessica is my therapist she counseling since I lost my family 

When I reach there clinic, So you come. your late you have to take me for ice cream, you know that?, of course I know so let's go.

As we go to Ice cream parlor, I suddenly told her while eating I am going for a vacation.

Ohh really!! are you going for a vacation nice, but when. I think Day after tomorrow my boss told me if I don't go he gonna fired me that's why.

Oh I see means this is our last session. enjoy your holiday and keep in touch don't forget to carry a diary and wrote it your experience in it's help you.

But it's boring to write down all things.

Don't write all things wrote the special thing happens in your day. it is a part of my therapy.

Then I dropped her in her clinic, then I leaved.

When I reach home I get a sleep but I said there memories haunt me everyday it's not new for me everywhere in my dreams, bedroom, kitchen. I feel there presence everywhere in my home.

I woke up in 3:25am my t shirt is full of sweat in the October season it's already winter.

I open my laptop and start exploring that place, where I had to go.

The day comes when I have to leave my house for a couple of days. finally going for a vacation I pack the bags and head towards the bus stop.

The bus arrived and I put my headphones and start listening music. then I felt sleep badly because I don't sleep last night. After few hours my destination arrived but I felt sleep badly I didn't recognized and I missed my destination. 

Couple of hours when conductor comes to wake me up, then I woke up and I realized I reach in wrong destination it's a small village of the Uttar Pradesh and the bus to the place I want to go will come tomorrow.

Then we see as a reader That entity sense when aditya comes in the town. she was the sitting on the same bench till now.

It's already evening I went to a garden near by bus stop, garden name was khusi's garden  I start saying in my mind khusi's garden let see this garden gives me happiness or not. I was already hungry I order some food from the canteen and seat on that yellow bench. I've never see a beautiful sunset after seeing I got some relief. next to me there was a Diary  when I open the diary there was a note on it, This is my first poetry please review it. and it was

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