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Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night and told that you are going back to your hometown, the place you hate the most, the place you are least welcome at because your mom wants to get married to someone in that place? What if that place still haunts you, after you almost attempted to kill yourself because of the hate you received? What if you have just healed from all that trauma?

Welcome to my life. I have the worst luck ever. My mom shook me awake, "Sweetie, wake up."

I groaned before getting up, "What's wrong?" I yawned, getting up.

"Your bags have been packed and we are leaving, come on," she silently replied.

"Where are we even going?" I asked, half asleep.

"Back to San Francisco, I'll explain in the car cause we really need to get going," she answered, entirely nonchalant. Knowing the fact that I wouldn't stand a chance if i tried to argue with her, I decided to just comply for once in my life.

I quickly washed my face, grabbed my phone and headphones before making my way to the car. I jumped in the passenger's side and my mom started the car. Not being in the mood to talk, I plugged in my headphones and decided to listen to my glow up playlist.

After a couple of hours, my mom pulled over to the gas station. I quickly got down before heading towards the store to buy myself some candy. I headed back to the car and sat back in.

"Honey, I-," my mom started but I cut her off, plugging my earphones back in. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw her sigh before starting the car again. We drove off. After about an hour, I felt myself doze off. After what only felt like minutes but were hours, my mom gently shook me awake.

We had arrived. To the place I never thought I would have to step in again.

I quickly got out of the car and made my way towards the house I had myself put a seal on.

The seal was surprisingly no longer there. I made my way inside only for all the haunting memories to come back.

I took in a deep breath trying to calm myself. I quickly grabbed my suitcase and made my way to my room.

I frowned noticing all the white-washed walls. My mom came up behind me and spoke, "I thought you might wanna redecorate it."

I scoffed, making my way over to the bed. My mom gave me one last look filled with longing before shutting the door on her way out.

I decided to head over to the nearest store to get supplies for decorating the plain boring walls.

I decided to get some fairy light and paint my room a pale beige color. I also got a few potted plants and brown shelves to complete the aesthetic. As soon as I returned, I began working in order to keep my mind off the things that I was constantly dreading about. I was positive I wasn't going to be able to sleep that night. I would probably stay up all night dreading having to go to school tomorrow.

I started off with painting the walls and after I was about halfway done, it dawned upon me that this was going to take more time than I had expected. However, I pushed myself and continued to paint the walls. As soon as I was done, I went to get all my clothes and started arranging them neatly in the walk-in-closet. After that, I realized all my clothes were colorful, and since I was healed, it was my time to take revenge.

I walked down and went to the living room to grab my keys.

"Where are you heading, sweetie?" my mom asked. I took one look at her face and knew I couldn't stay mad at her.

"I really need some clothes so I'm heading to the mall," I replied, not really being able to look her in her eyes.

"Here, use my card, it's the least I could do," she gave me a weary look.

"No mom, I can mana-" I tried to argue.

"Please, I insist," she cut me off before pressing the card into my hand.

"Any budget?" I asked politely.

"Oh there isn't one, spoil yourself," she laughed.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly but she simply shrugged and I made my way out. I quickly got in my black mustang, curtesy of my father who I still visit during the summer holidays. We are pretty close but not as much as me and my mom. I drove to the mall before going to multiple designer shops I usually shopped from. My mom was loaded and that was an understatement.

Both my parents were rich no doubt and yes I did have enough money to spend on designer clothing but don't get me wrong. I stick to strict budgets only buying a couple of things every time I go out which is extremely rare. We also don't keep a servant for every single thing. This time, however, I was looking for an entire wardrobe change so I may have exceeded the budget a lot. After an hour, I was done shopping and headed back home.

As soon as I reached home, I quickly put all of my clothes in the closet before continuing with the decorations. They only took me about forty-five minutes to put up but the final look was to die for.

 They only took me about forty-five minutes to put up but the final look was to die for

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Just as I added the finishing touches, my mom called me down for dinner. I quickly headed down to see that she had made my favorite pasta. I quickly helped her set the table and we both took a seat and started eating.

"By the way, sweetie, I was thinking of getting manicures after dinner. Do you want to get one with me too?" she asked. I thought about it. It would definitely be a nice finish to my revenge outfit. So I agreed. After I was done eating, I cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher.

"Come on, let's go," my mom called out to me. I quickly grabbed my car keys before heading out and jumped into the driver's seat, starting the car.

We made it to the salon in twenty minutes and I had already chosen what nails I wanted.

Our manicures took about half an hour and it was already late by the time we reached home so I went straight to bed

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Our manicures took about half an hour and it was already late by the time we reached home so I went straight to bed. Despite being nervous as fuck, sleep somehow managed to overtake me. I had over-exerted myself.

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