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I woke up the next day, relishing the fact that it was a weekend. I decided to do my five step skincare and then took an everything shower.

I got dressed in my casual black sweatpants and a hoodie. I headed towards my car and went to the mall to grab a coffee.

As soon as I had my coffee, I was feeling a little more awake and decided to head to the ring. I got in easily and headed straight to the my room. I took off my hoodie and slipped on a sports bra.

Just as I finished changing, I heard a knock on my door signaling John, the barista's arrival. I opened the door and he told me that I was up against one of the dudes I came last time with.

Not really wanting to know, I asked him which of the three I was put up against. He told me the dude went by the name SPIKE but the personal details were classified information. 

Bro, this dude chose a weird ass name.

He lead me to the ring and I had to stop my anger from spiraling when I saw Victor in the ring, in all his unnecessary glory.

I put on the duct tape and jumped in the ring. We shook hands before going to the opposite sides of the arena. The referee started the fight and stepped away. To my surprise, Victor started attacking causing me to retreat and defend. He delivered punch after punch all of which I easily dodged until he started slowing down. He was out of breath already. I smirked, I was simply warming up.

I started my onslaught, faking jabs here and there while delivering punches on his smug face. Soon enough, I caught him off guard and swept him off his feet. Literally. I wiped out both of his feet and channeled all my rage towards him in one last punch which completely knocked him out.

The referee announced me as the winner and I collected my winnings from John before heading to my car. Daniel had the audacity to intercept my way despite everything his friend had done. Technically, Victor hadn't done anything but you get the point

"Yes?" I asked, giving him the best nonchalant face I could muster.

"I was wondering if you wanna grab pasta with us at you know, the place," he said, looking straight at me in the eyes. I shook my head and turned my back on him. "Sarah is gonna be there with Victor. Maybe you have a chance for revenge. Just a heads up," he spoke and turned around, leaving.

I was thinking about it when I got a call from Eli. I quickly answered and he told me that he had moved in and if I would like to show him around if I was free. I told him to hang on and that I had a better plan.

I quickly pulled up to my house and parked my car. I headed over to Eli's house and sent him a text telling him to come out with his car keys. He also happened to be ridiculously rich explaining why he owned a Ferrari. He quickly slipped into the driver's seat with me in the passenger side. I punched in the location and just like that we had arrived at aunt Al's.

I grabbed his hand and literally pulled him inside. I gave Antonio a quick side hug and slipped into my usual booth along with Eli. "What now?" he asked me, raising his eyebrows. 

"Now, we wait," I replied, crossing my arms. 

"Jesus, woman, explain everything or I swear to god I'm gonna walk outta hear right now," he exclaimed. 

I sighed before going into details about why he was here and was supposed to be flirting with me and make Victor jealous. 

"You know, when I turned gay, nobody told me I'd have to flirt with girls," Eli spoke, shaking his head.

 I laughed and blew him a kiss. As if on cue, Victor entered along with Sarah, Daniel and Luther . However, what I wasn't prepared for was Miles entering with them as well. I tried to keep up my facade until Eli finally realized that something was wrong. He gave me a questioning glance to which I mouthed, "Mike."

Eli's eyes widened and questioned me with his eyes if we should leave. I shook my head. Antonio came to our table, "El do you want me to kick Miles out?" he asked, to which I declined.

Both of them gave me questioning looks. I sighed and told Antonio to take a seat next to Eli before explaining, "I can't always keep running from him. It's about time I faced him. It's not  like he might fucking attempt to do anything. He never has."

Eli nodded while Antonio stood up and left abruptly which honestly surprised me. "So let's continue with our plan?" Eli asked. I nodded and we soon enough started flirting. Even though it was all fake, it was a lot of fun. We kept laughing randomly and soon enough I forgot all about Victor. Miles, however, had the fucking audacity to come over to out table.

"Hey sweetheart," he smirked. My breath hitched. I hadn't talked to him in years. Nor had I heard that nickname. 

Antonio, being the first to sense something wrong came over to our table and told Mike, "I'm sorry sir but you cannot walk over to another table and you are clearly making her uncomfortable. I suggest you return or I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"Oh nonsense, me and Ella over hear go way back," Mike replied keeping a hand on my shoulder.

I mean bro, what the actual fuck. Keep you shitty hands to yourself. I grabbed his hand on my shoulder and twisted it behind his back, standing up and speaking, "Mike, number one, take your fucking hand off me and number two, I should never hear my name from your mouth ever again. Is that understood?" He frantically nodded and I twisted his arm more. "Is that understood?" I repeat. 

"Ye.-yes," he replied. I let go of his hand and said, "Oh and Mike, we do not go way back. Forget what happened between us. As of now, we are strangers. You do not know any Ella cause the Ella you knew died." I sat down and Eli looked at me, "Why do I suddenly feel scared of over coming on your bad side. Love, even if I do, don't do that to me." 

I laughed.

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