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I was calmly scrolling through my phone when Luther suddenly broke the silence, "So why does Sarah hate you so fucking much?"

I sighed, turning off my phone and replying, "It all started when we were in eighth grade. So apparently, Sarah had rejoined the school in seventh grade and she was in one of my classes in eighth grade. She had this guy and girl best friend called Miles and Ava. So the first day, Ava came up to me asking to be friends and I obviously agreed, not wanting to come off as rude and within a couple of weeks we became really good friends. 

During that time, me and Sarah were on normal terms but then later on, around the field trip time, I became really good friends with Miles and our friendship was literally amazing. Soon, even we evolved into best friends. Miles started prioritizing me over Sarah and she started hating on me. 

It was small at first, random arguments and shit but it took a toll on both of our mental health. Later, it became clear that I hated her and vice-versa. And around this time Sarah had become really fucking toxic so simultaneously both Miles and Ava broke friendship with her. Sarah felt that I had asked them to do so and so from then on, she started spreading shitty rumors about me and whatnot. 

But every time, anyone asked her why she hates me she would say that I stole her best friends. And nobody really thought it was a big issue. So everyone started hating on her. This made her hate me even more. So, yeah, that's about it."

Daniel spoke up, "It was all because of that? But Miles and Sarah are still on good terms right now. They hangout almost every week."

"Yeah, cause more drama happened after that," I replied. Luther waved his hand motioning me to continue.

"Alright, a few weeks later, Miles started dating this girl called Amelia. A couple of months later, a group was formed which consisted of, me, Miles, Amelia, Olivia, Nathan and Emily. Olivia happened to be Amelia's best friend. Nathan was Miles' best friend and a really good friend of mine. And Emily was a mutual friend of everyone except Nathan. 

Alright, so then everyone except Emily came over to my house to hangout once. But Nathan had to leave early for a family emergency so it was simply me, Amelia, Miles and Olivia. I was showing them around the house and I went to my walk-in closet and turned on the light. However, Miles walked in and closed the door, leaving Amelia and Olivia outside to assume the worst.

Later, I got to know through James, who happened to be another best friend of Miles that Miles told everyone that I locked us in the closet. So obviously, I confronted him and he told me he never said that. Olivia, Nathan and Amelia told me that he was back-bitching about me this whole fucking time. So I obviously left the group and then Emily felt ignored so she left after a couple of weeks too. And then we all stopped talking.

One day, Amelia randomly comes up to me and tells me Miles was flirting with other girls and when she talked to him about it, he told her she was too controlling and broke it off. Then Amelia, Olivia and Nathan all tried to become friends with me again. And a week after that, I left the school," I explained. Luther's mouth was hung open in shock by the time I finished and Victor shook his head. Daniel seemed exasperated before Luther exclaimed, "I can't believe you dated someone like that," pointing at Daniel. I raised my eyebrows and Daniel put his hands up in surrender before defending, "It was long back and I broke it off within a week."

By the time, we had reached THE UNDERGROUNDER. I smirked before turning to face Luther, "Which one of you fight here?" Luther pointed at all of them. 

"No fucking way, who's the reigning champion?" I asked. 

Daniel scoffed, "Some dude who goes by the name Ace." I nodded before heading out of the car. The bouncer gasped when he saw me before pulling me in for a bro-hug. "You are back, Ells," he exclaimed, a proud smile on his face. I laughed, nodding my head and walking in. Luckily, I was already wearing my sports bra and so I went up to the barista and he winked at me, directing me to my old room. "I'll sign you up for random fights, eh?" he asked, smirking causing me to laugh.

I pondered about it and replied, "Just make sure I don't have to face any of those three boys I came with." He gave me a thumbs up and went out. I locked the door and pulled off my hoodie. I was wearing jeans though so I quickly went to the closet and changed into some black sweats and a dark grey hoodie. I put my hair up in a tight bun and lifted the hood up. I walked out just as the announcer took my name. 

I was put up against some dude who looked about my side. It was obvious that he was lefty but tried to attack with his right. Clearly, he was inexperienced. I faked a jab to his right which he tried to defend and I punched him hard in his left side causing him to grab it in pain. I quickly swiped with both my legs, wiping his feet out, causing him to land hard on his back. I jumped on him and straddled him before repeatedly delivering punches on his face. Soon enough, he lost consciousness and I stepped back. 

I got off the ring, pulled down my hood and headed to the three boys before sticking out my hand, "Nice to meet you all, I'm Ace." Luther looked horrified, Daniel looked bewildered but Victor looked proud for somewhat reason and shook my hand.

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