A Surprise Guest

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I was in my lair under the church when one of my skeleton minions came to give me some rather interesting information

Marie: ah Crusher I see your back from the scouting mission, do you have anything interesting to report

Crusher: yes actually. It seems like the Medicis are trying to straighten some of there weaker territory

Marie: what do you mean by this

Crusher: for some reason, it looks like they sent out one of their top dog to a part of new Meridian where there influence is a lot weaker at least compared to the part of town where there tower rests

Marie: okay and which "top dog" did they send out there exactly

Crusher: a circus Brod named Cerebella

Marie: ........they sent out there leg-breaker ???
That.....that doesn't make any sense, why her of all people

Crusher: I don't know, but that's what I saw

Marie:..... There has to be more to this than, especially since what's on the surface makes zero strategic sense for them

Crusher: you gonna send one of your two flash goons after her

Marie: no I'll visit her myself

Crusher: are sure about this, your planned assault on Lorenzo's towar is rather close. Why not have one of us look into the issue for you

Marie: well if I send one of my undead that could risk the public being aware of my presence before the day I planned the attack, it would make more sense to keep Valentine on her mission to weaken the A.S.G and as for Double..... I rather not if I don't have to

Crusher: yeah that's fair, that bitch is creepy

......P.O.V switch.......

I was in my apartment simply eating breakfast when I heard a knock at the door

I want to open it and immediately had a gun pointing at my face

Cerebella: ........ Umm can I help you

Marie: Rattles, put that away

Rattles: ugh fine

The guy lowered his gun and my attention was drawn to a little girl that just let herself into the apartment

Cerebella: umm kid I think you have the wrong apartment

Marie: oh no I I'm right were I wanna be

Cerebella: look if your a disappointed circus fan I'm just going to have to ask you to leave and keep hush hush about my whereabouts

She snapped her fingers and my front door shut it's self on it's own and suddenly this little kid revealed self.... to be non other than the Skullgirl

I slowly backed away from her and towards Vice

Cerebella: ummm I did not see that coming

Marie: good looks my disguise worked flawlessly

Cerebella: what do you want with me

Marie: relax, if I came here with the soul intention of killing you I would have done so already

Cerebella: that doesn't explain why your here though

Marie: I could say the same for you

Cerebella: what are you talking about

Marie: I'm going to cut right to the chase why are you here, what purpose does it serve the Medicis to have you far away from them

Cerebella: oh that's what this is about, look I know you won't believe me when I say this but I left the mob

Marie: .... What

Cerebella: yeah I found out about what they did to you and it didn't sit right with me..... so I just jumped out a window and ran like hell

Marie: interesting.... but are content with just running

Cerebella: what do you mean

Marie: I simply want to know if your just cutting ties and leaving it at that or if you plan on getting vengeance and retribution for the people they have hurt

Cerebella: while I would like to get pay back for what they did to you I think it would be best if I just lay low for a bit

Marie:.... you could join me you know

Cerebella: what did you just say

Marie: you heard me, we both want to make them suffer for what they did to those children so why not join forces

Cerebella: I'll consider it but for now I think it's best if you leave

Marie: okay I understand, I'll give you some time to think about it

*Marie snapped her fingers instantly putting her disguise back on and left my apartment*

Vice: are you really going to do this

Cerebella: I don't know. Apart of me just wants to leave it all behind and start over, but another part of me believes that I a duty to at least try and get revenge on behalf of there victims

Vice: I get that but we both know how out of control the Skullheart can be. No matter how hard she tries to only target Medici members it's only a matter of time before at least one person that had nothing to do with this will get caught up in the crossfire

Cerebella: I'm aware of that but at the same time dispit being younger she seems to have more control over the skull heart

We both sat down lost in thought for a few moments

Then Vice said something that I kinda needed to hear

Vice: if at any point you need someone to help you though all this dispit being just as confused as you are just know I'm right here for you

Cerebella: ...... Thanks I appreciate it

I then finally got back to eating my breakfast as I poureded what to do next


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