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It was a regular first day back home for The Marauders and other Hogwarts students. Everyone was enjoying the Great Feast and catching up, exchanging stories about their summer break. On the Gryffindor table, a boy with messy hair and round glasses was staring longingly at a redhead with mesmerizing green eyes, sitting a few seats away from him, who payed no attention to him, whatsoever. This is James Potter AKA the self-proclaimed leader of Marauders, and the girl is Lily Evans AKA his long term crush, who, in her words, would rather go out with a giant squid than James Potter.

"Hey, cheer up mate, I have feeling she'll say yes this year" Sirius Black tried to cheer his best friend, James flashed him a smile, "Yeah, me too".  Remus Lupin, who was reading a book till now, put it down rolling his eyes at the duo. "Honestly, you should just give her some time and stop being a show off" Remus suggested digging into his own food. "Me, a show off, really moons, you think so low of me, I'm hurt" James said dramatically clutching his heart. Remus rolled his eyes as Sirius and a girl with features similar to Remus laughed loudly. "Oh come on Moony, its a loosing game you should know it by now" Rosalie Lupin chuckled. 

Rose, or Vixy (for marauders) was a year younger than Remus and the youngest & only female member of marauders. Even though she's younger than Remus, she's equally, hell even more protective of Remus, as Remus is of her. Due to this it took her almost an year to warm up to James, Peter and Sirius, she didn't trusted them until she was certain that they ACTUALLY cared about Remus and won't hurt him. But after she got comfortable with them it took her only a month to become an official member of marauders and being the only female member of marauders had its own perks and cons. Perks, no one dared to bully or even look at her wrong, because,
1) She will gouge their eyes out.
2) He/she would become the target of Marauders, and though they weren't bullies, no one wanted to be on their bad side.
Cons — No guy ever approached her or asked her out, which she assumed was due to her brothers AKA Marauders. Only if she knew that the reason no guy ever approached her was, definitely NOT her brothers.

The fifth member of Marauders i.e. Peter Pettigrew AKA Wormtail, was still out on vacation with his family. 

Away from the Gryffindor Table, a guy with features exact copy of Sirius, was looking at the marauders longingly, he caught eyes of Rose, who gave him a small smile. Regulus Black smiled back at her affectionately, a smile which was only reserved for Rose. Regulus had been in love with Rosalie ever since they became friends back in their third year, though no one except the marauders, Lily, Marlene, Alice and Frank knew about it. Though, for some reason Regulus had always been intruded by Rose, this intrusion turned into attraction halfway their 1st year. He clearly remembers that day as if it happened yesterday, he remembers how Sirius won't talk to him after he was sorted into Slytherin, he remembers how much he was hurting thinking that he might loose the only person who ever truly cared about him, and he would have, if it wasn't for Rosalie Lupin. A few days after that incident, Sirius asked Regulus to have a talk with him after Regulus' last class of the day, he agreed. That day, Sirius apologized to Regulus for his behavior and he forgave him, Regulus wanted nothing more than to be with his brother, to prove him that just like him, Regulus did not agree with their parents'  ideology, that was first time that the two brothers had a heart-to-heart conversation.

After they finished their conversation, which ended with loads of tears, tears of happiness, Sirius revealed to Regulus that it was Rose who convinced him to talk to Regulus and went as far as to threaten him with every curse she knew if Sirius did not talked to Regulus politely, when Regulus expressed that he was afraid that Sirius' new friends might steal him from Regulus. After that day Sirius introduced Regulus to other marauders, Marlene, Lily, Frank and Alice, who all welcomed him with open arms. Everyone, except Peter, even though he didn't liked Regulus, he said nothing because he was afraid of what Sirius and Rose might do to him. Regulus was aware about his distaste towards him, he, frankly, did not care one bit. 

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