Chapter 17

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As Shahneel gently pushed open the door to Shubman's room, the soft murmur of conversation drifted towards her from the balcony. There, silhouetted against the setting sun, stood Shubman and Abhishek, deep in discussion. With a hesitant step forward, Shahneel cleared her throat, capturing their attention. "Shub," she began, her voice a mix of excitement and urgency, "Ram is waiting to meet you now at the Chocolate Room cafe."

Shubman's response was a simple nod, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Turning to Abhishek, he declared with a newfound resolve, "Abhi, you're coming with me." The affirmation came as a silent nod from Abhishek, and without further ado, Shubman began to ready himself for the encounter.

He chose his attire with care, slipping into a light blue denim jacket that bore the marks of a life well-lived, its slightly distressed fabric telling stories of past adventures. The jacket, adorned with buttoned pockets, was thrown over a plain light grey t-shirt that served as a canvas to the denim's statement. His jeans, a matching shade of light blue, echoed the jacket's design, their distressed patterns a mirror to each other. The ensemble was completed with white sneakers, their grey accents a subtle nod to the t-shirt beneath.

Together, Shubman and Abhishek made their way to the Chocolate Room cafe, a place that seemed to hum with the quiet anticipation of their arrival

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Together, Shubman and Abhishek made their way to the Chocolate Room cafe, a place that seemed to hum with the quiet anticipation of their arrival. They settled into their seats, Shubman's gaze occasionally drifting to the entrance in expectation. Fifteen minutes ticked by, each second stretching longer than the last, until finally, a man with a muscular build and hair as dark as the night sky made his entrance.

"Mr. Ram, you are late," Shubman greeted, his tone a careful balance of reproach and courtesy.

"Sorry, I had a meeting," Ram replied, his apology brief as he took his seat.

The conversation that followed was a delicate dance of words, with Shubman inquiring softly, "My sister mentioned she holds a great deal of affection for you."

Ram's reply came as a heartfelt confession, "And I, her, immensely."

It was then that the intrusive ring of Ram's phone sliced through the moment, and as he excused himself to answer the call, Shubman leaned in towards Abhishek, his voice barely above a whisper, "I am getting bad vibes, bro."

Abhishek's agreement was a whisper in kind, "Same here." Their shared unease was punctuated by the sight that greeted Shubman's eyes next—Anvi in the company of another man. The shock that coursed through him was palpable, his anger manifesting in clenched fists and a jaw set tight.

Abhishek, ever the observer, caught the change in his friend, "Bro—"

But it was Ram's earnest assurance that cut through the tension, "Shub, I truly cherish her."

Shubman's reply was a grudging acceptance, laced with a brother's protective warning, "I trust your words. Just ensure you never cause her pain." With a nod that sealed his promise, Ram departed, leaving Shubman to confront the scene that had unfolded before him.

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