The runaway unicorn pt.5

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Toby was breathing more heavily than ever, he sounded anxious and scared*

Toby:"STELLA, WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE QUICK, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!"*Stella felt the panic in her friends voices and she couldn't help but panic herself*

Stella:"We're coming to you, just tell us where you are!"

*Ollie dialed in on Toby and Daisy's signal and he cut in before Stella could get a chance to say anymore*

Ollie:"I'm coming too, I've got no idea how but I'll find a way to you guys."*rocky piped up* "I have good hearing..and I have an idea of where they are.."*Ollie and Stella froze when Rocky brought this up, they both turned and stared at him*

Stella:"You do? Please! You have to tell us where we have to go!"

Ollie:"Yeah we don't have time to waste here!""Follow me" *rocky rushed through the trees for 5 minute du tail they reached where Toby and daisy were* *Steela and Ollie were surprised at how fast Rocky was able to get to the destination but they weren't complaining, they both rushed after Rocky and they arrived at the place where Toby and Daisy were, who were visibly spooked and scared*

Daisy: "Oh thank goodness you guys made it!"*the ground seemed to be broken* *Toby and and the other looked at the broken ground and they got a lot more anxious as they realized exactly how dangerous the place was*

Toby:"Can we PLEASE get out of here now?"

Daisy:"YESS, I do NOT want to be here anymore!"*rolls eyes* "I told you it was dangerous.."*rolls eyes* "I told you it was dangerous.."*Toby frowned but realized that Rocky was right, the sacred garden was dangerous and they should've known better so Toby just nodded*

Toby:"You were right, so now that we know this place is indeed very dangerous, how do we get out of here?"*stella panicked* "I-...I'm not sure..I lost the map whilst running* *Toby was starting to panic when he heard Stella admit this*


*Toby was about to lose his temper but he was stopped when Daisy got in front of him before he could react*

Daisy:"Look, don't shout we just need to keep our heads cool and figure out what our next steps are, if we all start panicking it's only going to get worse." *ollie nodded* "Mmh!"*Daisy was being a voice of reason, something Toby wasn't exactly expecting, the four of them started thinking for a few moments*

Daisy:"Okay, we can't use the map, fine. So what do we do know, is there ANY way we can find the exit?"*rocky shrugged* *Toby sighed in annoyance and Stella looked worried*

Toby:"This is bad, do we not have *any* plan??"

Daisy:"Well, we could just search around randomly until we find it but that could take hours, we need more of a plan than that, a better plan.""Maybe we should get some rest, we can think better if we get a good sleep,"*Daisy nods because she thinks what Rockys saying makes sense*

Daisy:"Mmh, I suppose that's a good idea, we can't think properly when we're exhausted, if we rest for a bit and let our minds rest we could probably think better about this, it's worth a shot at least..."*Daisy pulled out some blankets from her bag with her magic* *The four of them all seem surprised but also really grateful.*

Toby:"You have blankets in your bag?"*Toby and Stella both lie down on the blankete, tiredly closing their eyes and trying to ease their stress the best they could, Daisy and Rocky did the same. Eventually, the group of unicorns all drifted off to a troubled sleep, tired and exhausted from the events that had occurred that day. They were all in an extremely vulnerable position rn, asleep and unaware of what was about to happen, they could wake up to anything at this point.* *After a couple hours the group of unicorns all began to awaken one by one, all of them were waking from a troubled sleep and they were still a bit disoriented. But soon enough, all of them were sitting up and were beginning to assess the situation they were in now.* *Toby:* " may be lost, but at least we can try and find the runaway unicorn, I mean, we ARE in the sacred garden, where she lives"*Daisy nods her head in agreement*

Daisy:"Well, the runaway unicorn should still be here in the sacred garden, it's where she's always been, so we can definitely try to find her but... how much progress do you think we'll be able to make when we don't have a map to follow?"*Stella got a bit uneasy when Daisy brought this up*

Stella:"This is true, we don't have a map but... maybe we should just try to explore for now, we might as well try and get a feel for the place and explore a little before we try and get a more definite plan together right?"*Toby nods slowly, he wasn't sure exactly how successful they'd be without a map but he figures exploring was the only option they had right now*

Toby:"Alright, let's explore, it's better than just staying here and doing nothing, atleast exploring might be a bit more productive."*ollie started to walk first, the rest followed, curiously observing the magical, dangerous garden* *The group started walking through the sacred garden, they were being incredibly cautious as they walked because they had no clue what kind of dangers awaited them in the sacred garden and it worried them*

Stella:"This place is magical, I can feel the magic radiating through it, but it's not a good magic... it's like a dangerous, unsettling magic, you can feel it's presence at every corner..."*rocky:* "well, remember what I said? The runway unicorn is probably corrupted, we can tell it we are never to her, since we will see more withered and corrupted plants and stuff I guess,"*The unicorns all looked around and began to take notice of the corrupted plants and flowers, they were twisted and overgrown. It was strange that the sacred garden looked so different than it did in the stories they heard about it*

Toby:"There's so much corruption here... how have we never heard stories about any unicorns getting corrupted in the sacred garden, it seems like such a big danger to the unicorns, more unicorns need to be aware of this..."*ollie and daisy were both huddling together in fear* *Daisy was holding back tears and she tried her best to not give in to her fears, she couldn't help but become paranoid about this place and feel scared to be in it*

Daisy:"I don't like being in this garden, there's just too many bad vibes, it feels like there's a dark presence that's following us...."

*The more Daisy talked, the more she began to get anxious and scared, her eyes fluttered wildly and she looked on the verge of having a panic attack*

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