𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕~🥀𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞🥀

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I grasped my stomach, practically howling with laughter as Angel told me another stupid story about his shit boss, and my asshole of a coworker, Valentino.

I heard someone open the door and Angel paused his story when Husk came in.

"Well hello~" Angel said, combing his hair back seductively.


I frowned, starting to feel bad that I've already caused so much chaos with the hotel's residents.

Angel glanced at me and grinned, "don't mind him, he's always like that."

I looked down glumly.
"Cheer up toots, he doesn't mean it," Angel said giving me a supportive smile.

I smiled weakly back.

"Though he's right. We should get to sleep now. I'll tell you the rest of the story in the morning."

I nodded and snapped my fingers, switching my regular outfit into my pajamas and summoned a pillow for myself.

Angel hopped on his bed, "night," he said, switching off the lights.

I turned to the mattress Charlie set up for me by his bed.

"Night," I said curling up in the blankets.


I had...a terrible nightmare.

I dreamt I was back in the forest with the radio host again. Except this time, I dropped my gun and held my hands up resentfully in defeat as he grinned, showing a mouthful of sharp teeth.

Blood dripped from his mouth as he smiled maniacally and slashed my stomach, causing me to fall on the floor and scream in pain as I cried out for help...but nothing came out.

The rest of I.M.P. watched me from the sidelines, faceless and disappointed.

He let out a cold and eerie laugh as my ears rang.



"Y/N!" Angel yelled, shaking me as I stared up at him groggily.

"Hm...huh?" I rubbed my eyes.

"What the fuck? You were practically screaming...and...you wouldn't wake up..." he trailed off.

"Oh..." I sat up. "Just...bad dream," I said dismissively.

Angel opened his mouth to say something but was quickly interrupted by Charlie.

"Breakfast is ready!" She called out from downstairs.

I stood up from the mattress, eager for a distraction and walked to the bathroom, taking a quick rinse in the shower and changed into new clothes.

"Alright let's go!" I said, trying to sound cheerful.

He eyed me suspiciously, but followed downstairs.

Charlie was in the kitchen, preparing french toast.

She turned around when she saw me.

"Morning Y/N!" She said cheerfully.

"Morning..." I grumbled, still tired.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I slept well," I lied.

Angel open his mouth to correct me but I nudged him in his arm, clearing hinting for him to shut the fuck up.

She smiled and slid me and Angel each a plate of french toast.

"Enjoy! I hope—"

arrCharlie was cut off by the television, which both Husk and Vaggie were watching attentively as they ate on their breakfast (and drank their booze, in Husk's case.)

I saw Vox appear onscreen, holding a stack of papers as he reads off of them.

"We interrupt whatever weird shit you were watching before this with breaking news..."

I turned over to the image of my friend to watch the television...

I turned over to the image of my friend to watch the television

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A/N: I updated the cover last night :]

(I didn't really like the old one...)

~earth_angel17 <3

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