Chapter 19 - Freed From Hell

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Kuroka: Shirone, you should know I never wanted to leave you behind, but I had no choice, if you were with me , you'd be hunted or they'd try to use you as leverage against me, that's why I left you with the Gremories.

Koneko left the ORC in tears, hearing what she was told about her sister was a lie and that Kuroka protected her.

The clips were brought to Ajuka and he began the process of Decrypting and Unsealing them, eventually he found the notes and experiment logs, and what he saw unnerved him, Kuroka only told them an abridged and simplified version of what happened, the logs detailed everything that occurred, photos were also in there, some of which made Ajuka vomit, he eventually showed them to Serafall, Sirzechs, Falbium and Grayfia. Serafall had the same reaction as Ajuka, while disgusted couldn't begin to describe
Grayfia, Sirzechs and Falbium. They took the information to the Council, at first the Councillors except for a select few, (Gremory, Sitri, Bael, Phoenix, Glasya-Labolas, Agares and Astaroth) objected until the information and evidence was shown to them as well, the Council Chair ,Zekram Bael had the same disgusted look, and most of the councillors flipped their votes after the evidence was shown and Kuroka's status was repealed and revoked.

SC - Lucifuge Manor - 24 Hours Later

Lucias had been waiting for confirmation from the Maous concerning Kuroka's Stray Status , Vali team was also nervous, they were all wondering whether the Council would budge or not

Sirzechs: Hello Lucias,

Lucias: Good Afternoon, Lord Lucifer.

Sirzechs: Please gather everyone, we have the verdict on Kuroka's Status.

TS - 5 Minutes Later.

Vali Team had gathered in the Foyer of the mansion and all of them were nervous.

Lucias: What was the verdict ?

Sirzechs: The Verdict Reads:

Devil Kings, Councillors and Heads of Remaining Pillars of the Devil Clans.

We have come to reason that the status of SS Class Stray placed on Nekoshou Kuroka Toujou was placed without proper investigation.

So an agreement has been reached to revoke the status of Kuroka Toujou based on the following facts:

1. There was cause for Ms. Toujou to act as her sister was threatened.

2. Illegal experiments were conducted on Ms Kuroka and these experiments were set to disturb Devil Society if mass production followed.

3. There is further reason to believe that more experiments like this may have been committed and so the status of Stray is an unfair judgement without looking into all the facts.

That concludes the reason why Ms Toujou's status has been revoked.

Sirzechs Lucifer
Serafall Leviathan
Ajuka Beelzebub
Falbium Asmodeus

Kuroka collapsed in tears hearing the verdict coming from Sirzechs, she knew that she was free and could freely visit Koneko without being in danger .

Lucias: Thank you for this, Uncle

Sirzechs: You're the one who brought this up, you've saved an innocent person from a life of hell and being on the run.

I'll see you all later, take care , Kuroka I'll share the news with Koneko soon.

Kuroka: Thank you Lord Lucifer, Thank you Lord Lucifuge.

Sirzechs left Lucifuge Manor as everyone gathered their thoughts .

Lucias: Well Kuroka you're free from it all now, what are you going to do?

Kuroka: Well I'm going to reconnect with Shirone, it's been years since I've seen her.

Lucias: That's understood.

Vali: Lucias I have a question

Lucias: What is it Vali?

Vali: In your living room I saw some chess pieces glowing brightly, as if they were resonating with us.

Lucias: Those were my Evil Pieces, it seems like instead of me looking for my peerage members, the Pieces have found who they want.

It seems like the Queen Piece resonates strongly with you Vali, while the 2nd Bishop Piece is resonating with Le Fay, 1 Knight is lighting up with Arthur and one Rook each for Bikou and Kuroka.

Though I won't force you it seems like they are calling to you to join my peerage, I've only got one member so far, that being Asia who's in Kuoh, she's basically like my little sister, I saved her when Fallen Angels tried to kill her for her Sacred Gear.

If you were to join my peerage, you'd be under my protection and more my family than servants, the Khaos Brigade would be finding it harder to get to you as well.

Team Vali, thought about it , and deferred their answer to later.

Vali: We'll give you our answer later

Lucias: Take your time ,I'll wait for your answer

With Vali Team

Vali: So guys what do you think of Lucias' proposal?

Arthur: I don't see anything wrong with it, since we would be under his protection, not to mention he has 3 Devil Kings as family to call on

Le Fay: I agree with Onii-sama on that, plus the Brigade won't be able to get to us easily.

Bikou: I can agree with that.

Vali: Kuroka, what about you, we aren't going to pressure you into joining, especially after being cleared from that mess.

Kuroka: Well I see what you mean Vali~nya, but then as Arthur said we would be under his protection, and he'd treat us more like family than servants, like he does with his first Bishop who's living with his family.

Vali: So then let's give him our feedback.

Timeskip - 3 Hours Later

Team Vali, find Lucias in his office, doing some catch up on some of his work, School and Devil work.

Vali: Lucias! We can to a decision.

Lucias: Oh you have, and what is it?

Vali: We'll join your peerage, all of us .

Lucias: Are you all sure about this?

Le Fay: Yes, at least we'd have peace of mind knowing that we'd be safe from the Brigade.

Lucias: Alright then ,let's get the ball rolling, Vali, for you things will be different though.

Vali: What do you mean by that?

Lucias: When you become my Queen Piece, you'll become a Pure Blooded Devil since you're already a Half-Devil as it is right now and for that you'd also become an immediate High-Class Devil, considering you're a descendant of the First Lucifer, so you'd be eligible for your own Evil Pieces.

Vali: I don't mind it.

Lucias started with Vali :

Lucias: In the name of Lucias Lucifuge, I command you Valiana Lucifer to be reborn as my Queen and Second in Command, may you lead and protect our home.

Then he moved on to Le Fay:

Lucias: In the name of Lucias Lucifuge, I hereby command you Le Fay Pendragon to be reborn as my Second Bishop.

The same process was done for Arthur, Kuroka and Bikou, with Kuroka's Bishop Pieces being removed, she crushed them as she was free from her past.

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