Chapter 5

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Ricardo ditched the SUV a few miles from the land rover, managing to drag himself into the vehicle and roar off into the early morning sun. Wanting to put as much distance as possible from California as he could making for the Nevada border ignoring the beeping coming from the TDCSP. He finally found an abandoned gas station just off the main highway, parking in the rear digging out the medical kit from the back along with several bottles of water.

Breaking in was easy and he cleared out the countertop in the disused office before getting a half-broken mirror from the bathroom. Hearing the TDCSP beeping again he finally accepted the call, the sync device activating as the holographic display of Kal'tsit appeared in the room.

"I was not sure if you were still alive," she said as her digital form began to regard Ricardo as he pulled his shirt off tossing it to the ground. Despite the new bruising on his body, she could see he had several other scars from battles in the long past, including what looked like an arrow wound to his chest.

"I"m alive as you can see if a little beat up, so you had answers to my questions, right?" He said as he pulled open the extensive medical kit washing his body off with a rag and some bottled water.

"Yes, I do, but my profession as a doctor comes first and by looking at you, I would say. You have at least two rib contusions, a laceration across your left shoulder from what appears to be a bullet wound graze. Along with ecchymosis on your face and arms, you need a hospital." She said as she walked around him the digital image shimmering as she walked through the desk.

"Been through worse, and a hospital would ask too many questions. It's nothing I can't take care of so mind telling me what I got myself into on my little revenge quest?" Ricardo grunted as he began to pull out medical equipment, starting to wrap his ribs.

"I will start at the beginning, then I need you to show me some of those documents you acquired." She said as she stopped her pacing looking at him. Ricardo perked his brow and nodded as he continued to patch himself up as she started in.

She explained to Ricardo how some of her personnel from Rhodes Island appeared in their world, them being chased by elements of their government along with Mulhausen. World Beyond Labs and Highstew involvement with the development of the Traveler device. The death of several of their human allies, the possible future that could occur with DiAngelo leading the country. The insane plan from DiAngelo's to take over Terra. Ending with their battle inside of the hanger along with the death of Mulhausen, along with the destruction of the facility.

"So, he is dead then?" Ricado said as he prepared a small syringe full of a local anesthetic shifting his shoulder around to inject it near the bullet graze.

"Yes, a brave young man who helped us named Matt killed him. For what is worth I am sorry that your niece was killed by us appearing there," Kal'tsit said as Ricardo readied a needle and thread stopping for a moment.

"She's gone, it's not your fault, fault lies with Mulhausen and these people who started this. If I ever meet this Matt sometime, I'll pull his ass out of a fire no matter how hot, I owe him that much. DiAngelo dead we might have averted some nuclear war at least I hope." Ricardo said as he started in with the needle.

"Start two centimeters to the left it will close better. Yes, with him dead you may have opened different possibilities I can't say where it might lead though. So now that I answered yours, I have some of mine. General Gomel made mention of a contingency plan." She said as Ricardo sewed up his wound quickly knotting a tying the surgical string.

"I..yea...Gomel was also part of DiAngelo's clique most likely where he got all the army guys you fought. I don't feel too bad killing him now knowing he had a hand in all this, I haven't had time to look at those files but, they did have a contingency plan inside give me a moment," he said pulling on a fresh shirt after bandaging his wound.

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