Chapter 6

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As Ricardo drove both W and Kal'tsit gave him a rundown of the Columbian Union,in the world of Terra they were currently the only known democratic country. Much like the United States, they had various states and independent municipal governments with a centralized federal government, also one of the youngest nations in their world.

"Think I am right on the money, you said that it would take my country decades to get the technology back up and running. It's perfect for a destabilizing team to operate in, it's a long-term plan not a short-term invasion, damn good contingency too." Ricardo said as he pulled into a seedy looking truck stop inside of Arizona parking at the very edge of the parking lot.

"Explain," Kal'tist said as he leaned back in his seat a bit, fishing out some cash handing it to W, as she put on a spare shirt and hat he had in the back.

"Every country has them both physically and digitally, a team of operatives sent in to help destabilize a country over a long period of time. They would infiltrate in posing as immigrants or citizens, figure out a country's weakness and start to exploit them." He said as W pulled his hat down low doing her best to cover her horns failing miserably.

"They would sometimes find disenfranchised groups with a beef to pick with the government, start infiltrating their groups and arm them up for guerrilla campaigns. Some use social media to plant fake stories to bring up outrage, all in a plan to make the government and society unstable." He continued scanning the parking lot for a moment.

"Won't that be a little hard seeing how, you know none of you look like us?" W said, turning the collar up on the shirt as best she could.

"True but, if I slapped on a pair of fake ears and told you my tail was blown off because of some governmental enforcer makes the story more believable. Yes, they would go to such lengths even self-mutilation to get the job done," He said, grabbing the jammer from the back, turning it on and sticking it in W's pocket.

"Then after decades of this kind of destabilization you would have a fractured and very weak Columbian Union. Then suddenly visitors from another dimension show up with the solution to the problem they caused," Kal'tist said with a look of genuine worry on her face.

"Yep, and from what you told me your world would be rather unprepared for such a thing to happen. If someone figured out how to make the large-scale portal work, at least until we destroy it and after getting the cockroach here back," Ricardo said as W gave him a punch in the arm.

"Asshole old man, going to make sure whatever burger I get you is bread only," she said as she stepped out of the car halfway.

"Remember food and gas at that furthest pump, get some low-profile clothing, jammer should take care of most of the cameras Ms. most wanted," he said as W flipped him the middle finger walking to the station as Ricardo drove up to the pump.

Taking the TDCSP with him he kept his head low, seeing the pump activated as he started to fill the vehicle up, along with the two spare cans on the roof rack.

"It's a clever plan if they manage to pull it off, however if your agents were much like what we encountered before, I believe they could, I'll have my team start looking into any usual arrivals it will take time though," Kal'tist said as Ricardo nodded.

"I don't know that's the problem, they would lay the groundwork first putting the equipment in place, then start dropping off people. From what you told me it's more likely a city would be a target to drop in an agent, your wasteland is just too big." He said as he finished filling up the cans and strapping them back down to the roof.

"Their is a nomadic city near one of the points on the map, I'll try to verify that its in that location.They're going to be expecting you to come after them after word reaches out about what happened at the mountain, even with W on your side it will be a fight." She said as Ricardo looked back at the gas station waiting for W to return.

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