❤️ Welcome Y/n ❤️

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*In Yoongi's apartment

Everyone reached Yoongi's apartment and Yoongi laid Y/n on his bed and told Suzy to bring a glass of water .

Suzy handed the glass and Yoongi was splashing water on Y/n's face .

Yoongi: Wake up Y/n. Wake up....I have to clear your misunderstanding... Wake up baby...

Yuki : Look Taehyung, how romantic he is 💜 😍

Taehyung: I didn't know Yoongi oppa was that much romantic 😏😏.... no doubt why Y/n fell in love with you.

Yoongi: Shut up 😑😑

Suzy : Give her time bro....She will wake up when the pill's dose will over !

Yoongi : I can't wait .... wake up Y/n. Your Yoongi is here...

*After a couple of hours

Taehyung: Yoongi oppa , look !!! Y/n's eyes are shaking.... maybe she is waking ....

Yoongi rushed to Y/n...

Yoongi : Y/n ...Y/n ...can you listen me ? Are you okay ???

Y/n's eyes were shaking....She moved her hand.. and rubbed her eyes... . She opened her eyes and everything was blurry..... She squinted her
eyes to look clearly ..

Y/n : Is it morning or night ? And where am I ? (Yawned ) ...
.(She looked left)
Yuki...ah..Taehyung too are here...where am I guys.... ?
(she looked right)

Yoongi ??? Suzy ???

*Y/n got excited and sit down immediately......

Y/n : Huh?! Am I at Yoongi's house ? Wtf .... and this bastard Suzy is here too ???
What about you Yuki ??? What are you doing here ? Yooongiiiii , did you tell them about our past relationship??? Wasn't it supposed to be a secret??? ....liarrrrrrr.....cheater..... huhhh....I'm going from here immediately....

Suzy : ShUt Up DuMb AsS !!! He is my own brother!

Y/n shocked *

Y/n : (looking at Yoongi) Are you fucking your sister ???

Yoongi & Suzy : What the FuCk!!!

Suzy : Listen "Dumbo"...(Yoongi death stares at Suzy ) ........I I I mean "Y/n" ...listen I have a boyfriend and we will get married soon... Don't ship me with my brother....😑

Y/n : Then , what I saw that day , was a lie or I was dreaming?

Yoongi : You misunderstood us....

Y/n : No, I just caught you red handed.

Yuki : Listen Y/n , you didn't tell me anything about your relationship , though I was your bestfriend. But am I angry with you ? ...listen to them. ....... They are siblings.....clear your doubts. Listen what actually happened at that day.

Y/n : (*Sighes) Ok...then explain me what happened at that day. Why are you hovering over Suzy....?

Yoongi: ( Said her the whole Flashback)

Y/n realised that she misunderstood her man.

Y/n felt embarrassed .

Y/n : I'm Sorry , Yoongi 💔 . Sorry for misunderstanding you... Sorry Suzy....

Suzy : Uhm Suzy ? Call me Sinu-i😁 ( Sister- in-law in Korean )

Y/n : (giggled🙈)

Y/n : I'm so happy Yuki that I don't need to hide our relationship from you .....hugs Yuki...

Yuki : Yeah ...Y/n ...I'm happy for you too...

Y/n : But where's Jackson? Last thing I remember before being here was... I was in Jackson's house. ...

(Everyone sighs)

Taehyung told everything to Y/n.

Y/n's eyes were looking watery. ...

Y/n : What??? I believed Jackson and he tried to fuck me ....( tears rolled down through her cheeks ) ..... I'm not getting pregnant right? Please tell me ....🥺

Yoongi : Aww Y/n don't worry. You will not be pregnant. You didn't let him in ....I'm proud of you. (He hugged her )

Y/n hugged him back tightly...

Y/n : Thank God !!

Suzy : Okay guys , we should go from here 😏. Let them be together....

Y/n : Ahh no no , it's okay .

Yoongi: Yeah go from here....let me and my Y/n spend time together.

Everybody laughed and left .

Yuki winked at Y/n and said , "Good luck". 😉👍🏻

Y/n blushed *

To be continued ~

*Next part will be too much spicy 🥵🌶💦👍🏻
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Good night~~🌌

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