~The Spanish festival~

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Hiii!! In this story I have an hc for Ace, which is that he's ✨ Colombian✨. I randomly saw this in Pinterest so credits to that artist (I forgot their name, sorry😔) Welp, hope you enjoy💞💞

No ones pov

At this point, Ace eventually got tired of everything, he got tired of the rules and, surprisingly, him breaking them too. He couldn't bear another moment at NRC..It's not like he hates the school, it's just that he can't handle the stress like he used to, he feels like another assignment or another insult or heck even a reminder of the rules would make him go through a mental breakdown! And due to all that, he decided to visit the town that was right outside NRC. He had heard that there was a little festival where you could sing and dance around, so obviously he wanted to join, I mean it has been a long time since he sang in his mother tongue so that also motivated him. However, the big problem is that he couldn't leave the grounds of his school without a proper reason. Which sucked, like really sucked. But we all know how Ace can be so he snuck out, simply just jumped right through the window. But of course, before he jumped he had to fix his makeup and clothes, after all, he can't just go out looking like what he looked like, it would draw attention to the school and he would get busted. So, like any person would, he put a veil over his face so it made it less obvious that it was actually him. After preparing everything, like I said, he jumped. But he jumped in such a graceful manner that you could barely hear him landing on his feet.

Ace pov

I finally made it!! Broo, I'm just glad that I could leave that room...I felt suffocated there! Well, at least I can rewind here.

No one pov

After a while Ace had escaped, his roommate deuce just so happened to be looking for him, which unfortunately became unsuccessful since he wasn't there so he asked the other first years and they all told him that they didn't know where he went..then he went back to the dorms and started asking Trey, Cater and even Riddle if they knew where he was at. But then of course, when Riddle heard that Ace wasn't around, you could say he got annoyed. The first thing that came into the redheads mind was: he better not be causing trouble..!. Which was untrue by the way. Speaking of that, let's go back to Ace, he was having the time of his life there, singing and dancing freely without anyone to judge or yell at him.

Riddles pov

Where is that troublemaker Ace?! We have been searching for hin since an hour ago and he seems to be nowhere in sight! Not to mention, it's almost past curfew, but thanks to Crowley-sensai, we have more time to look for him. In which Cater suggested that we go to town and search for him there. I swear to the sevens that if he's there, it's off with his head!

Deuce pov

It's been a while now and we had no sight of Ace being around the campus, but then Cater-senpai suggested that we search in town, and since I figure there's a small festival around there, he's going to be there. Well..still.. I hope he's alright...I mean it is the Ace we're talking about! But then again..it's the same Ace that gets himself into trouble very often..

No one's pov

As they went out of school to search for Ace, Deuce suddenly mentioned the festival in the middle of this town and when they heard it, they immediately ran their feet there. They tried looking for Ace everywhere when they were hit by surprise..it was Ace that was singing in the middle of the crowd!! So they tried to push themselves to the front and they could not believe their eyes..Ace..dancing in a red dress while singing?! they didn't even know he could sing, let alone dance! They stared as he sang and then there came the part where he spoke in Spanish; " I just wanna get high with my lover~ Veo una muñeca Cuando Miro en el espejo, kiss kiss, looking dolly I, think I may go out tonight, I just wanna ride get high in the moonlight~"  They just stared with their mouths opened and eyes widened, they didn't expect Ace to sound that good and they surely didn't expect that he could speak or sing in another language! When everything has ended, Ace was quite shocked when he saw his dormates (and crush) waiting for him.

Ace's pov

NONONO, THEY CAN'T BE HERE, THEY JUST CAN'T.....please...all I wanted was peace from them..why..that's the whole the reason I went out! to get AWAY from them. I love them and all but I need a break from them..

Deuce's pov

I was really astonished when I heard Ace sing, it was like I was in a trance..! who could expect that someone like him who already has good looks also has a heavenly voice! Wait..what am I saying?! am I going crazy...?! or is it love..? I-I'll ask Cater-senpai later.

No one's pov

"....Hi..?" Ace mumbled out, "Look, I know I'm not supposed to be here so late but I just had to go to this festival, ok? So just go on, just collar me again and we could get back to the dorms." Ace said, with a blank expression on his face. "Collar you? why would I collar you?" Riddle questioned, feeling a bit guilty, because of the way he said it like it was a normal thing for him to say "because I'm out here past curfew? isn't that against the rules of the Queen of Hearts?" Ace explained, "You know what, I'll let you off the hook..But just this once!" Riddle replied. Everyone was a bit shocked but put it aside nonetheless. When they went back to the dorms however, they started questioning ace like it was an interrogation! "Since when could you speak another language?!" Deuce exclaimed, the others nodding their heads in agreement, "It's my first language actually" Ace answered, "Have you always owned that dress.?" "yes, yes I did", "Since when could you dance??" "For a long time ago". And after every question was answered they decided to head back to sleep, however not without deuce asking Cater for advice about his feelings. Cater just told him to confess and that's what he did, the day after that event, Deuce ran to Ace after class and told him how he felt. In which Ace also said that he felt the same and Boom! just like that, they started to date. Well, that's all for the story I'll be telling you guys today! There'll be more coming in the future but still, hope you liked this!
Almost forgot to add, here's his design!:

 Well, that's all for the story I'll be telling you guys today! There'll be more coming in the future but still, hope you liked this!Almost forgot to add, here's his design!:

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