~The ocean empire~

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So ummm..I rewatched empires s1 and thought "Hey, wouldn't this be a great Ace AU??" And I was at that episode where Lizzie and Scott were bargaining and i also thought "if Ace didn't have a UM...then what if I make him an au where he was the leader of the ocean empire?!" Then boom! Came this book. Hope you'll like this a lot, I squeezed all the brain juice in my brain for this lol. Well let's start! Also, quick note, Ace is bigender, which means that he was BOTH genders.

No one's pov

As we all know, Ace was the only one without a signature spell or Unique Magic. Heck! Even Yuu's got one. So soon enough before anyone would realize it, he got left out very often. And at first, it hurts. It hurt him a lot. But, he got used to it and before he knew it, books became his friends..It's not like they didn't care about him, it's just that with the rest having their SS (signature spells) they just forgot about him..Welp, even with all the books, he still felt empty..like something was missing and soon, he saw it. He saw a book that read 'Prophecy', something about it made him go closer and mind you but he saw this book randomly while walking around NRC.

Ace pov

'Prophecy' ? what kind of book is this? Why this book is quite strange! It talks about how the world will be destroyed by this demon called "Xornoth"?? But this world doesn't sound like twisted wonderland...Not only that but it seems that the perspective is by the sister of the cod, which is the blue axolotl..At the back of the book it looks like some kind of Chant and ritual..Does this perhaps mean that I should follow it to open a door to another world? If so, then sure! I ain't got nothin' better to do anyways.

No one's pov

After Ace had finished setting up the ritual, he said the needed words and suddenly a portal appeared. When he entered, he saw other people. Like him, they were from other worlds, people who were left out and unsurprisingly also loved books. They all became friends and figured that since there was a stand that literally said "Pick your empire" they did. Everyone thought that Ace must've been out of his mind for picking the ocean, as he started in the middle of the sea. But that thought soon changed into 'no one but ace' Because after a long time of them ruling the place, going back into their own world from time to time also of course, the ocean had lily pads filled with villages and shops and a gigantic prismarine palace where Ace lives. Ace went there very often as he had a lot of free time, since he wasn't really getting included in a lot of things unless needed but he didn't really mind it. I mean, he even had a platonic marriage with someone! (btw none of the others name changed, just Ace's, which was Lia..short for 'Acelia') Now, time skip to the present, NRC had decided to have a field trip for the students, without the teachers. However, as peculiar as it seems Ace didn't come with them, which made them hesitate but maybe he's just afraid to be homesick? that's what they thought, but the thing is: Ace would be busy ruling the ocean..! So he didn't have time for this field trip, but what he didn't know was that they'd actually be visiting the rAndOm pOrtAL which Ace definitely didn't know about AT ALL. Well, back to the topic, when they entered through the portal, they were quite shocked to see the world so cheery and bright (they were in Katherine's empire). They admired the scenery of each place they went to, though they weren't quite used that there were many places that they had to travel. Then they went to the swamp empire and that's where they met Jimmy. He then told them to be at ease and make themselves comfy as he told them about his empire and the next empire they were going to: The ocean empire. He then told them how he was 'seablings' with the queen there. And after their visit there, they went to the ocean empire, in which they were met with no one. As the queen was busy bargaining with the king of Rivendell. (gonna skip that part for now, we'll get to it later on😉😜) When the queen later arrived, she greeted them "Why, hello there! Sorry if I'm a bit late but I was busy. Anyways, I can see that there is a lot of you, but is anyone absent or not here? wouldn't want anyone to miss out meeting THE Ocean queen!" "Someone isn't here, his name is Ace Trappola" "Oh my! Then here, give this to them" "Alright.." "Now now, make yourself at home, and I'll introduce myself: I am Lia the queen of the ocean empire" "You're a blue axolotl?!" Floyd exclaimed "Yes, I am. It is by the ocean that I had turned like this" "So like a curse?" Jade asked, "No no no! This is a blessing from the ocean" "Oh." "And do you have any powers as queen?" Azul was curious, "Why yes I do, in fact one of the spells I normally do is named 'The ocean is my domain'☺️" (Did I make an ml reference? No, no I did not...or maybe I did..) "WOOOW🤩🤩" Everyone was fascinated by their discoveries and adventures there. And after they explored the place, she went on talking about the world and her empire. They were a tad bit sad that her empire was the last one they were visiting but they still had fun.


"HURRY UP! DYE MY HAIR WHATEVER COLOR BECAUSE THEYRE HERE SCOTT!" "IM TRYING LIA, IS PINK OK?!" "I ALREADY SAID ANY COLOR" "ALRIGHTY THEN!" "wait...is this permanent or no..?" "Don't worry, it's not...I think?" and so chaos ensued. Btw, it wasn't permanent, they were panicking for no reason at all😑

Back to them!

"Ace!!" a couple of first years then ran to Ace and told him all about their adventures. But as they kept talking to him, they saw a streak of pink hair in his hair which was the exact shade of pink is Queen Lia's hair....but they didn't mind it as much since it could just be a coincidence, I mean this is Ace we are talking about, the same Ace who gets himself into trouble very often..However, they started to realize something..was Ace even causing trouble like before?! And hadn't they noticed?! They went to ask Riddle that and he told them "I don't think I've collared Ace in the past 2 months.." In which they responded with "Oh...alright, thank you for answering our question.." Then one month later, some kind of sea monster appeared, drowning the land in water.... and it wasn't only one..there were hordes of them everywhere! Everyone fought the best they could but they just felt like they just keep on coming...And Ace who 'didnt' have a UM felt like he wasn't doing anything so he had no choice but to blow his cover..the cover he tried so hard to cover but if it were to help his friends? he'd be more than willing to! "The ocean...is my domain!;))" Ace called out, as a trident appeared. Not only that but gills similar to an axolotl appeared as well. As he spoke thunder then lightning hit a lot of the creatures, killing them. 2 hrs of them fighting later, they were now resting in the infirmary until Ace got up and sprinted all the way into the portal. Why? He was worried as he had heard from his brother that Xornoth arrived and parts of the empires were destroyed. However, in the end they were able to stop Xornoth once and for all and they all returned to normal after a few months (in the other world..)....


I'm sorry I've got to end this, this has been taking me too many days🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ so ummm...there'll be a part 2🤠🤠 I hoped you enjoyed this story anyways and as a sorry for stopping here, I'll give you a bonus!


Imagine if the dye was actually permanent and Ace had to wear a wig from there on and after that, a few first years was suspicious of him having a wig and yanked said wig after 3 weeks of him having its and everyone else is like 'WTF?!' Anyways that's all, I'll try making another one tmr (Exam week problems lol)🎀🎀🎀

Words: 1,484

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