~Gravity? Simple!~

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This was a request made by @minoo51. Anyways, no spoilers for now!! And forgive me if things are wrong....I don't even watch this anime that was requested..I've heard of it but I don't watch it:/...so yeah, forgive me if smth is wrong in the book^^.

Narrator's pov

As we all know, Ace Trappola doesn't have a unique magic.... right??? That was a well-made fact that many knew. However, was it truly true? Did he really not have one? This was a question that only he could answer. Ace Trappola himself. Nothing much was known about him, actually, but did anyone see it as a bother? Nope. In fact, they didn't mind it at all. Well enough with those things, let's go to the original storyline!

No one's pov

It soon became a big bother for Ace when he was the only one without a UM. Yuu was only able to get one through magic stones, but that wouldn't work for ace at all.. So he'd been exempted from many classes as they were to practice their UM. During those times, Ace was just playing around or  reading a few books for fun, even to go as far as to study to pass time! Not only that, but Ace learned how to cook/bake a couple of things, too. This doesn't mean he didn't feel lonely because he surely did. Poor Ace, he'd been left out as they had to practice their UM as there seemed to be some type of competition for the best UM. Ace thought this was the world's way to mock him for the lack of it. He didn't know how to feel or react to this situation, but what he felt for his friends was happiness. He was happy that they were able to join this, despite it being a bit hopeless for them.

Ace's pov

As I was cleaning up as usual, I felt like someone was watching me.. I thought that it was just rook practising his UM.. but..then I remember he never casted it on me..! That meant that someone was watching! As I heard the bushes rustle, I immediately jumped to my foot and took my magic pen. What I didn't expect was that: 1, there were two. 2, that the two people had guns.

No one's pov

When they saw that ace was alerted, one casted a barrier, most likely so that nothing would be heard. Nothing. Not even a gunshot or a scream would go through the barrier. Ace had no choice but to give in to this. His last thought was that: "Does the universe hate me or have a grudge towards me..?" Not a very... memorable last thought, but it was, moreover, valid. Just when they started shooting him, the bullets never seemed to touch his skin, not even once. He thought, "Wow, these guys must be horrible at their jobs." He was wrong, bullets were surrounding him, and when he realised it, he was shocked, to say the least. And to add, one of them even said, "How hard is it to shoot this shrimp?!"....silence.... until.."Who are you calling shrimp?! I'm 16.. I'm still growing, damnit!!" He yelled as he kicked the bullets towards them.. And let's just say things became rather bloody.. At least the roses are red! Wait, but now that would mean that he had to practice this newfound power of his. And off he went, to the mines,to practice. It's kind of a dangerous to practice, sure, but if he could control gravity the way HE wanted to.... What could possibly stop him? From the moment that anyone would run to him, he'd just use gravity to push them or make them fly or put pressure till they fall. It was brutal, yes, but a great UM to add. He was ecstatic knowing that he had one, but every time he tried telling anyone, they'd push him away, saying they were busy with things and that hurt him, he'll admit.

Ace pov

Am I invisible or something?? They keep avoiding me like I did something wrong... They're the ones who don't even acknowledge my existence from time to time! So why are they the one ignoring me?! I get that they're busy.. but to go as far as to push me away..? Am I the problem..? Maybe they wouldn't mind if I were to leave then. If they don't care, then why would they now!! Okay.. Now im being irrational, but am I really to blame? You know what, I'll just prove them wrong by showing them that I truly can be strong without their support! Even the one person I hoped that wouldn't leave me did. I had hope in them that they wouldn't just.. I don't even know with myself at this point..

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