Before Sunrise - Wholesome & Spicy

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My hiatus was shorter than I thought! Lmao!

Again, writing out an altered version of the memory and fan-fic!

This memory will be more like a fan-fic than the last few ones because in the original, they aren't dating and in this story, they are.


A few months have passed since Rafayel & Y/N started officially dating. They have been fooling around a lot, still not a public relationship. The only people that know now are Thomas, Tara, and a few other people from Y/N's workplace. Let's be honest, it was obvious since Rafayel always came to pick Y/N after work.

But being Rafayel's girlfriend did not take away the responsibilities of being his bodyguard. A few weeks after their 4 month anniversary, Rafayel got invited to display his artwork at the next city over, Luminara.

Luminara is a really popular tourist site. Not because of its beautiful beaches and mountains, but because of its history. It's filled with museums, galleries and exhibitions all about Lemuria. The ocean there used to be a Lemurian city where many Sea Gods lived, before it was a desert. Nobody knew how it turned back into an Ocean, they say that it was a sign of a Sea God.

Luminara was a place where they held the most important ceremonies and celebrations. But most importantly, it was Rafayel's old home.

Y/N was so excited to see Rafayel's home and learn more about his culture. But since it was a work trip, Y/N took this seriously. Rafayel told her not to worry much, but Y/N insisted. Paparazzi and fans are going to be there, and they are not ready to make it public. It will be hard for them to act as "co-workers," but it will have to be necessary.

Now for this trip, Y/N told Rafayel that she won't be coming as his girlfriend, but as his bodyguard. No kissing, no hugging, all strictly professional. It would be as if they weren't a couple at all.

- altered memory starts -

Rafayel & Y/N finally made it to the hotel room.

Y/N: "Wow! That was a lot of paparazzi. It still amazes me how you deal with that constantly."

Rafayel, distracted, walks over to the bed and ruffles the sheets.

Rafayel: "Why wasn't I aware that this town had the custom of sparkling petals on beds..."

Y/N: "Oh and look at that, "Have a nice honeymoon.' I guess they have a custom for that too."

Rafayel looks at Y/N with a playful smirk.

Y/N: "No."

Rafayel: "Come on! It's perfect! We might not be married and on our honeymoon, but this is pretty romantic. The locals here really go above and beyond!"

Y/N: "I'm sorry Rafayel, but I already told you I want to take this job seriously. We're here on business only."

Rafayel quietly knits his browns. Now he was annoyed and perhaps mad.

Rafayel: "Fine. You can have the bed."

Y/N: "Rafayel don't be dramatic. It's not like that. I just don't want any distractions... who's taking the sofa?"

Rafayel's eyes get bigger. He looks at his luggage with his arms crossed. He got that Y/N wanted to take her job seriously, but he didn't know to what extent. It made him feel annoyed.

Rafayel: "I didn't think you were going to take this so seriously.... I'll take the sofa. I have to re-touch one of the paintings anyways. It's normal for me to pull all nighters. I'll see how it goes."

Y/N: "I'm not going to let you be exhausted either. How about we rock, paper, scissors it?

Rafayel: "Since you're the one who made the suggestion, don't regret it when you loose."

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