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You go on a little shopping spree with Maddie!

Y/n sat there on the couch, mouth open of amusement as she stared at Tv after Sonic told her to watch some Tv. He explained to her that it had lots of stuff to watch and to be entertained with.

"Is it kind of like being on a stage and acting out a part?" She had asked him.

"Yeah, kinda" he'd told her.
And here she, for the pass 10 minutes.

Maddie then came in to the living.
"Whatcha doing?" she asked the young echidna.
"I'm watching the Tv" Y/n replied.
Maddie looked at the Tv to see it wasn't even on.
"Um, nothing is playing"
Maddie slightly chuckled.
"Hey, how about me and you do a little shopping? Like a girls date" Maddie thought this would be the perfect opportunity to spend time with one of the Edina siblings that are now part of the family.
"Shopping?" Y/n tilt her head.

"It's a thing where you go to different stores and you can buy things." Maddie explained.
"That sounds fun. What can you get?"
Maddie grins. Already thinking so many places to go.

And just like that, already in the car, driving their way over to the mall.

When they got there. Maddie got out of the car and then went to the other side to open the door for Y/n.

The echdna stepped out and in front of them was a big building.
"Let's go" said Maddie. The two walked right inside and immediately Y/n's eyes widen in awe when she saw different stores from bottom and on the top level and it was filled with so many people.
Once certain store caught her eye and she walked right over.
"So which one do you wanna—oh" Maddie notice she was already going inside of a store. She quickly catched up with her.

The first store she walked into was a JCPenney.
She went up to a couple of clothes And touched every single one of them.
"Do you want to try one on?" Maddie asked. Y/n turn to her and nodded.
Maddie to examine every size of the women section of clothes.
"They should have one for your size..."
She came to a point where none of these would fit  the red echidna.
"I..guess we have to look for some in the kids section"

Then, they started to search through the kids section to see if there's any clothes that Y/n. Maddie found a few that she thinks Y/n would probably like.
"Have you found anything?"
She heard Maddie from a couple away.
"Um, there's so many I can't decide"
"Well I found some for you" she walked right over to her.
"Do you want to try these on?"

The two went to the fitting rooms. Maddie gave her the clothes.
"Just try each one of them let me know which one you like" she then close the curtain and waited patiently outside for Y/n to be done.

Y/n place the clothes down on the chair and started to takeoff her skirt and the bandage.
It took her several minutes to find an outfit that she loves. Eventually she did and she admire herself in the mirror longer with it on.
The outfit was some nice blue shorts with a black belt and a white tank top that was short to make it like a crop top. it really went well with her flower crown and black shoes. It really felt good whole life she to wear that tribal skirt.

 It really felt good whole life she to wear that tribal skirt

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"Done!" She said, getting out of the fitting room and went over to Maddie

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"Done!" She said, getting out of the fitting room and went over to Maddie.
"Wow, you look good." Maddie looked at her outfit in amazement.
"Let's go pay."

What felt hours going to different stores and buying. They eventually got warned off and stopped by a food court to get some lunch then they drove back home.

Maddie park the car before her Y/n went inside the house as she was bringing in all the bags.
As soon as Maddie open the door, Tom went to greet them.
"Hey laddies, where have you guys been?" he looked at the bags that Maddie was holding literally a lot of them on her whole sleeve.
"Oh just me and Y/n. went to do a little shopping."
Maddie placed the bags down.
"That doesn't seem like a little." Tom joked.
Maddie chuckled, then gave him a kiss on the lips.

Y/n went up to the attic where she shares a room with the boys in full excitement to show knuckles her clothes.
she popped her head up from the entrance to see him there.
"Knuckles I'm home!"
She then got inside.
"Was the journey with Maddie successful? did you encounter any—" he turned around and saw her in different clothes.
"What are you wearing?"
Y/n grins.
"Oh I got this from a place called the mall and Maddie got me these. They feel really nice. Do you like them?"

Knuckles started at her for a moment, before turning away without an answer.

Knuckles & Y/n/Sonic the hedgehog 2, 𝗞𝗻𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲'𝘀 𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿!𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now