Chapter 3

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Beep beep beep beep
Vale: (groans) who's alarm is that?
Lexie: (whispers) sorry I'll turn it off now (turns around and turns it off)
Vale: why are you awake so early?
Lexie: I have to film for Cosmo with Jaden today (gets out of bed and walks over to her duffel bag and walks into the bathroom)
Lexie's pov
Once I was in the bathroom I washed my face with cold water to help wake me up and then I brushed my teeth. After that I put on my purple velvet sequined hoodie with jeans and some sneakers, then for my hair i decided to just keep it simple and put it into a bun with a few curls hanging on the side of my face, then I put on a little bit of concealer, mascara, eye shadow and a very light pink shade of lipstick and i was ready to go. I left the bathroom and quietly walked downstairs so I wouldn't wake anyone else up but when I got to the kitchen I saw Nick warming up a baby bottle with Nate in his arms.
End of pov
Lexie: do you want me to hold him while you test the milk?
Nick: do you mind? If I put him in the bassinet he'll start screaming
Lexie: yeah I got him (walks over to Nick and takes Nate out of his arms)
Nick: thanks lex, what are you doing awake and dressed?
Lexie: jaden's picking up because we have to work with Cosmo today
Nick: oh okay cool (tests the milk)
Lexie: all good?
Nick: yeah I got him now (takes him from Lexie and pops the bottle in his mouth and sits down) so how's the music going? I saw some of the videos of you on stage
Lexie: what did you think?
Nick: I think you did great in fact I was talking with demi and I wanted to tell you that her and I would love to work with you, I know you are with DTA records but if you are ever at a point where you want to switch to ours the door is open
Lexie: seriously?
Nick: yeah
Lexie: thank you so much, but I am happy with DTA right now but thank you for even considering me
Nick: your welcome
Beep beep
Jaden: hey lex I am outside
Lexie: okay be right out
End of text convo
Lexie: J is here so I have to go but thanks again Nick, I'll see you soon
Nick: have a good day lex, tell Jaden I said hi
Lexie: I will
(Lexie grabs her duffel bag and walks out of the house and gets into jaden's car)
Jaden: how was your sleepover?
Lexie: it was fun nothing to crazy
Jaden: that's what I like to hear
Lexie: haha funny
Jaden: did you eat?
Lexie: it's seven thirty, it's too early to eat
Jaden: to early for even Starbucks? (Asks playfully shocked)
Lexie: okay maybe I could go for a caramel crunch frappe
Jaden: haha that's what I thought (pulls out of the driveway and starts driving)
Lexie's pov
The rest of the car ride was quiet considering it was to early to even function and have a conversation so the only noise in the car was the music playing which was briefly paused when we got to Starbucks and ordered our drinks and I ended up getting a croissant too because it was just to tempting. An hour of driving later we pulled into the Cosmo building where j gave the car to valet so we could walk inside.
End of pov
(Jaden walks up to the front desk)
Jaden: hi my name is jaden and I am looking for Britney she's supposed to show us what room we will be filming in
Receptionist: Jaden hossler correct?
Jaden: yeah
Receptionist: just take the elevator to the fourth floor and go into room twelve and Britney will meet you there
Jaden: perfect, thank you so much
Lexie's pov
We walked to the elevator and once we were inside I clicked the button and a minute later we were walking towards the room where we met a girl who was wearing a business suit and smiled at us.
End of pov
Britney: hi Jaden it's nice to see you again
Jaden: you too
Britney: and you must be Lexie right?
Lexie: yeah that's me
Britney: perfect so I am just going to give you a run down on the video you guys will be doing which is one of our m fun ones honestly
Lexie: o okay what are we doing?
Britney: so you guys will be testing out different objects and foods to see which ones are the most expensive and whoever has the most right wins the challenge sound good?
Jaden: yeah let's do it
Britney: great so just get behind that table (points across the room) and the camera man will be in here shortly so we can get started
Lexie: okay sounds good
(Three minutes later the camera man walks into the room and gives them the green light to start the video)
Jaden: what's up I am Jaden and I am with my little sister Lexie and we are about to play expensive taste test
Lexie: let's do it
(Britney brings out the first item which is gummy bears)
Lexie: yummy!! I love love gummy bears
Jaden: (laughs) she does once she buys a bag it's hard for her to stop but off rip looking at the second bowl those aren't natural gummy bear colors
Lexie: (picks up one of the gummy bears) this one's pretty (puts it in her mouth)
Jaden: is that a coral color?
Lexie: yeah so just that alone shows these are more expensive
Jaden: yeah I agree but I am going to try one (picks up a different one)
Lexie: can I take this bowl home with me? These are really good (eats another one)
Jaden: please don't let her that's a sugar rush just waiting to happen
(Britney hands them the second item which is deodorant)
Jaden: I think this one is the more expensive one because I think I use this (holds up the black one)
Lexie: I don't know I only use one brand of deodorant which is secret (shrugs her shoulders)
Jaden: yeah but based on looks what do you think is more expensive black or yellow?
Lexie: let me see the yellow one (takes it from him and opens it) it smells good
Jaden: (opens the black one) this one has a heart on it.. so final answer this one is more expensive
Lexie: I think the yellow one is more expensive
Britney: Lexie is right the yellow is more expensive
Lexie: yess I win this round
Jaden: don't get to excited yet
(Britney hands them the next item which is moisturizer)
Jaden: okay now that's just not fair I don't use facial products
Lexie: what was it you told me last round oh it's what looks expensive KEYWORD LOOKS
Jaden: yeah yeah
(Jaden opens the moisturizer on the right while Lexie takes the left)
Jaden: this one smells like roses
Lexie: this one is unscented I don't know
Jaden: let's switch
Lexie: okay
Jaden: this one's not as light as the other one if that makes sense I don't know what's better
Lexie: I am going roses are more expensive
Jaden: yeah me too
Britney: you guys are both right
Jaden: let's go
Lexie: well now it's three versus two I am still ahead
Jaden: hush
(Britney hands them the next item which is spicy cheese snacks)
Jaden: off rip this red looks like when I pick my hand out of the bag it's alright
Lexie: what are you even saying?
Jaden: like the other one looks like gluten
Lexie: gluten? You mean gluten free?
Jaden: yeah that's exactly what I mean
Lexie: okay then say that
Jaden: you know what (picks up a Cheeto and puts it in her mouth and then puts one in his mouth)
(finishes chewing that one and grabs from the opposite bowl and jaden does the same)
Jaden: those taste better
Lexie: yeah I agree
Jaden: so I am going to say those are the more expensive Cheetos.. wait a minute more expensive Cheetos I just thought about that for a second
Lexie: I am going with those are more expensive
Jaden: me too
Britney: you guys are wrong
Jaden: whattt
Lexie: I could have sworn.. alright moving on
(Britney hands them the next item which is nail polish)
Lexie: oh I know J's going to beat me here because he wears more nail polish than I do sometimes
Jaden: that is true already the one with the white cap can be found at the dollar store
Lexie: are you sure about that?
Jaden: yeah don't play mind tricks with me (jokes)
Lexie: I am not I am just saying what if that's what they want you to think (shrugs her shoulders)
Jaden: yeah no the one with the silver cap is automatically the most expensive
Lexie: I agree
Britney: you guys are both right?
Lexie: does that mean we are still tied?
Britney: no now it's four vs three
Lexie: let's gooo
(Britney brings out the next item which is leather jackets)
Lexie: Oo right away I already know which is the most expensive
Jaden: which one?
Lexie: the one on the left
Jaden: how do you know?
Lexie: you gave me the exact one for Christmas
Jaden: (laughs and looks at it) ohh you are right so then yeah that one's the most expensive
Britney: alright so now it's five versus four
Jaden: I need to get this next one so I can be ahead
Lexie: in your dreams
(Britney gives them the next item which is water)
Lexie: you are kidding right?
Jaden: imagine trying to look at water and seeing what's more expensive, but if one of these is arrowhead immediately
Lexie: flashback to when you tried it on griffins YouTube and ranted about it (laughs)
(Jaden and Lexie take a few sips from each one)
Jaden: I don't like the way this one feels if that makes sense
Lexie: I don't know I am just going to take a guess and say it's the cup on the right
Britney: you both are wrong
Jaden: I am a fake water drinker apparently
(Britney brings out the next item which are boxers)
Lexie: seriously he's obviously going to get this one
Jaden: well you got the moisturizer so it's only fair I get the boxers
Lexie: only your mind would consider that logical thinking
Jaden: the black looks more expensive
Lexie: yeah I agree
Britney: you both are right so now it's six vs five
Lexie: I am going to winn
Jaden: yeah yeah
(Britney brings out the next item which is a microphone)
Lexie: (picks up the one on the right) this one is light and looks like a toy
Jaden: yeah the other one looks pretty cool and is heavier (picks it up and tests) sounds better to test your lex
Lexie: hello, yeah it's a toy so the red one is obviously more expensive
Jaden: yeah I agree
Britney: you guys are right which means your final score is seven versus six
Lexie: let's goooo I win!!!
Jaden: anywayyy thank you Cosmo for playing the expensive taste test and we will catch you guys later
Lexie: byeee
End of filming
Camera man: that was great guys how do you feel?
Lexie: good
Jaden: yeah I agree
Camera man: great so I don't think we need anymore takes
Jaden: sounds good
Lexie: hey Britney...
Britney: yes Lexie?
Lexie: can I have the bowl of expensive gummy bears please?
Britney: (laughs) you can take the bag we were just going to get rid of them after so if you want sure (goes to get her the bag and puts the ones in the bowl in there to and hands them to her)
Lexie: thank youuu
Jaden: you are not eating that whole bag in one day do you hear me?
Lexie: yes sir (playfully salutes him)
Jaden: alright let's head out have a great day guys (waves at them)
Staff: bye
Lexie's pov
Once Jaden got his car back from the valet service we started driving back to josh's house since I am with him till Sunday.
End of pov
Lexie: oh J before I forget to ask did you get the script from Shannon?
Jaden: (sighs) yeah I did and we need to talk about that
Lexie: yeah you told me that yesterday so what's up?
Jaden: I had Shannon give me the script to read before giving it to you and I am sorry lex but I don't feel comfortable with the character you would be playing
Lexie: why...
Jaden: because you play a teenager that uses self destructive methods to cope and josh and I are afraid you could relapse
Lexie: ohh now I get it because josh didn't approve of me being on the show now you are using the script as an excuse for me to not do it
Jaden: that's not what happened at all, you know I have been your full supporter for this show until I actually saw the character you would be portraying and I am not comfortable with it
Lexie: this is Bull shit I haven't relapsed once in six months
Jaden: I know that and I am super proud of you but filming a scene of you fake purging might trigger you to actually do it and I want to minimize the temptation as much as I can
Lexie: why can't you just trust me? (Crosses her arms)
Jaden: you know I trust you lex it's not about that, it's about me and josh doing what's best for you
Lexie: well as much as I appreciate you guys looking out for me I am sixteen and can make my own decisions so I am doing that audition
Jaden: no you aren't I already told Shannon to cancel it
Lexie: what the fuck jaden!!!
Jaden: hey! Language I know you are upset but don't forget who you are talking too (pulls into Josh's driveway)
Lexie: I can't believe you would do that
(Lexie gets out of the passenger side of the car and grabs her duffel bag before slamming both car doors and storming up to the front door and opening it with Jaden following right behind her)
Lexie: thanks a lot josh!!
Josh: whoa lower your voice and tell me what's going on?
Lexie: because of you Jaden told Shannon to cancel my audition for shameless!!!
Josh: wait you did? Why? (Looks at him)
Jaden: for the record and I already told Lexie this it wasn't because of you it was because I read the script and wasn't comfortable with her character
Lexie: because josh didn't want me to go on the show, you let him get in your head!!!
Jaden: that is NOT what happened Lexie Marie and this is your final warning stop raising your voice at us
Josh: what type of character was it?
Jaden: a teenager with self destructive coping mechanisms sound familiar? (Looks at josh)
Josh: oh well then yeah you were right to cancel the audition
Lexie: (scoffs) of course you would side with him because you didn't want me to do it from the beginning
Josh: there will be other auditions lex it's not the end of the world
Lexie: you don't get it do you? It's not the fact that I can't do the audition even though that does piss me off It's the fact that Jaden went behind MY back and cancelled it WITHOUT giving me a choice in the matter!!
Jaden: well I am sorry sweetheart but when it comes to my concerns about your mental and physical health what you want doesn't apply (crosses his arms and looks at her)
Lexie: ugh whatever (rolls her eyes) I am going upstairs bye (walks up to her room and slams the door)
Josh: slam it again Lexie Marie and I will punish you in five seconds I am not kidding!
Jaden: (sighs) I knew she would be mad but not that mad
Josh: you made the right call and if you didn't then I would have
Jaden: she's going to be pissed the rest of the day I am sorry
Josh: it's alright nothing I can't handle
Jaden: alright well I am going to head out, later
Josh: later
(Jaden leaves the house and josh closes the door)
Gabi: (walks into the room) what's with all the screaming?
Josh: Lexie and her usual temper tantrum it will cool off in a little
Gabi: oh okay well I am going to go in the pool you want to join me?
Josh: yeah sounds good, let me just go talk to lex for a minute okay? (pecks her on the lips)
Gabi: okay
Lexie's pov
I was in my room blasting music on my speakers and writing in my journal that Callie suggested I start doing on tour and I can honestly say it helps, but I was interrupted mid paragraph by my door opening so I looked up and saw josh walking in.
End of pov
Lexie: knock much?
Josh: attitude much? Cool it I am not here to fight with you, I just want to have a conversation
Lexie: (sighs and crosses her arms) fine
Josh: thank you, now Lexie I understand your frustrations I do but your behavior downstairs was not okay and I know you know that right?
Lexie: yeah I know but
Josh: no buts it wasn't okay I don't care the reason
Lexie: fine whatever is that all you wanted?
Josh: no I also wanted to let you know that when you are done cooling off we will be In the pool if you want to join us
Lexie: hmm okay
(Josh leaves the room)
Lexie's pov
I waited till I heard josh walk downstairs and then grabbed my phone to call Shannon.. will I get in trouble for what I am about to do? Probably but if I get the part than the punishment is worth it so I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.
End of pov
Phone convo
Shannon: hey Lexie what's up?
Lexie: hey Shannon how are you?
Shannon: I am good, how are you? How was Cosmo?
Lexie: it was fun but listen I am calling because I wanted to know if you cancelled the audition for shameless yet?
Shannon: I am supposed to call today because the director wasn't available why?
Lexie: because I was able to convince josh and Jaden that I can do it and I'll be fine
Shannon: really?
Lexie: yeah but is there anyway we can move the audition for tomorrow instead of Friday?
Shannon: I can try but I am going to have to confirm with Jaden you know that right?
Lexie: ugh Shannon don't seriously I am telling the truth
Shannon: so then you have no problem with me talking to Jaden then unless you are lying to me...
Lexie: okay fine you caught me but please please don't say anything to them I'll beg for forgiveness later
Shannon: as your manager you know I can't go behind Jaden's back like that
Lexie: but as a family friend...
Shannon: okay fine I'll talk to the director show up to LA studios at ten am sharp and Lexie I have no idea that you are doing this is that understood?
Lexie: yes, thanks Shannon you are the best
Shannon: you are welcome good luck tomorrow
Lexie's pov
I put my phone down and then walked over to my closet and picked out a bikini to quickly change into and then met Gabi and josh downstairs where we spent the rest of the day grilling hot dogs, tanning in the sun and swimming in the pool until it got dark and I had to call it a night so I said goodnight to josh and Gabi then walked upstairs to take a quick shower and set my alarm for eight AM because I would have to catch the bus to LA studios in order to be there at Nine.
End of pov

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