Chapter 4

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Beep beep beep
Lexie's pov
I quickly turned off my alarm before it could wake anyone up and quietly got out of bed and turned on the lamp that I have on my nightstand and walked over to my closet. Considering this was my first audition and it was for shameless I knew I had to make a good impression and make it seem like I could fit into the show so after looking at some options I decided on a dark blue rock angel t shirt with a really short beige skirt and some black combat boots. I paired that with a silver heart chain necklace and some earrings, curled my hair and put it in a messy bun Fiona style. After that I grabbed my purse and put my phone, charger and wallet inside, zipped it and quietly walked downstairs where I walked a block away from the house before ordering an Uber, last night I was debating on taking a bus but decided ordering an Uber was just going to be easier so I did that and fifteen minutes later the Uber arrived and got inside the car.
End of pov
Lexie: good morning
Driver: morning, so you are headed to LA studios is that correct?
Lexie: yeah and I know it's about an hour with traffic but I have enough to pay you if we exceed the time limit so don't worry
Driver: okay sounds good (starts driving)
Lexie's pov
I checked my phone and saw that it was eight thirty which means I would get there thirty minutes before my actual audition and that's if it only takes us an hour because the traffic is horrible here even in the mornings but on the plus side the car ride gives me the chance to go over the script that Shannon emailed me after our conversation, so I just plugged in my headphones and read over the script until we pulled up to LA studios.
End of pov
Lexie: thank you so much
Driver: you are welcome, have a nice day
Lexie: thanks you too
(Lexie starts walking into the building and towards the reception desk)
Receptionist: hello, how may I help you?
Lexie: hi I am here for the shameless audition
Receptionist: okay can I have your name? (Starts typing in the computer)
Lexie: Lexie Hossler
Receptionist: alright take the elevator to the fourth floor and it will be the second door to your right
Lexie: okay thank you
starts walking towards the elevator, steps inside and once she gets to the fourth floor she opens the second room to see at least fifteen other people in the waiting room but she signs in and sits down and goes over the script)
Thirty minutes later
Assistant: Lexie hossler
Lexie: that's me (stands up and walks over to the assistant)
Assistant: alright follow me (walks over to the audition room door) good luck honey
Lexie: thank you
Lexie's pov
I walked into the room and to say I was shocked was an understatement because I was expecting to audition for the producer and director only but Cameron and Noel were also there and I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a little star struck but I took a couple deep breaths and got into professional mode.
End of pov
Lexie: hi my name is Lexie hossler and I will be auditioning for the part of Grace
Director: hi Lexie it's nice to meet you so for this audition process we are going to have you do a monologue, a scene from the script and finally an improve scene as well to test out the chemistry between you, Cameron and Noel sound good?
Lexie: yes sir (smiles)
Director: alright you may begin
Scene change
(Buddy starts scratching on Josh and gabi's door)
Josh: (groans and opens his eyes) I am going to take buddy out for a walk and then start breakfast I guess
Gabi: (opens her eyes and pecks him on the lips) okay
Josh: I'll see you downstairs (gets up from the bed and walks downstairs with buddy)
Josh's pov
I took buddy to the backyard and let her do her business since the gate to the pool was closed I wouldn't have to worry about her going for a morning swim and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and decided on French toast with bacon and eggs for breakfast so I started with the French toast which didn't take very long since I only made six since each of us eat two, then I grabbed eight slices of bacon and put three in the pan and let that cook before flipping them over and once that was done I started on the eggs and was almost done with them when I felt arms wrap around my waist.
End of pov
Josh: hey gorgeous
Gabi: hi (smiles and grabs a piece of bacon)
Josh: hey breakfast is almost ready you can wait a few more minutes bacon stealer (jokes)
Gabi: aww to bad (takes another bite and then feeds one to josh)
Josh: (finishes chewing) can you go wake up lex while I set the table?
Gabi: yeah I'll be right back
(Gabi leaves the kitchen and walks upstairs to Lexie's room and opens her bedroom door to see it empty so she decides to check the bathroom which was also empty so she checks their bedroom just in case but it was also empty)
Gabi: josh! (Quickly walks downstairs to the kitchen)
Josh: what's up babe? (Looks up from placing orange juice on the table)
Gabi: Lexie's not in her room or the bathroom
Josh: are you sure?
Gabi: yeah and she wasn't in our room either
Josh: okay calm down I'll call her, she probably just went on a morning walk or something
Gabi: does she usually go on morning walks?
Josh: sometimes it's okay let me give her a call (pulls out his phone and dials Lexie's number)
Scene change
Noel/Mickey: so you grew up in the foster system huh
Grace: yeah what about it? (Crosses her arms)
Mickey: it sucks doesn't it?
Grace: what do you know about it?
Mickey: I have been in and out of the system until my dad wanted my sister and I back when we were already teenagers
Grace: oh
Cameron/Ian: I know you don't know us very well Grace but you can trust us you know
Grace: I don't trust anyone so what makes you guys any different?
Mickey: well we haven't beat you or locked you in a room yet have we?
Grace: no I guess not but you still could
Ian: we could but we won't just give us a chance okay?
Grace: (sighs) I guess I could.. I mean the worst thing is I get put back in the group home (shrugs her shoulders)
Producer: and scene that was really good Lexie
Lexie: thank you
Cameron: do you have any prior acting experience?
Lexie: no but I have been taking virtual acting classes with a coach
Noel: how long have you been in acting classes for?
Lexie: four months
Director: you are very good for only four months under your belt
Lexie: hearing that from you guys means so much, I really tried to contain my fangirl side when I walked in here but I do have to say that your show is one of my favorites and it's an honor that you even accepted me to audition
Cameron: well you didn't disappoint, we'll take five and do the improv scene sound good?
Lexie: yeah
Lexie's pov
I walk over to my purse to check my phone and saw I had several missed calls from josh, then more than a few text messages, and eventually I even got calls and texts from Jaden. I decided to ignore them and decided to deal with the consequences when this was finished so I put my phone back in my purse and walked over to the crew to do the chemistry portion of the audition when the door opened and my eyes widened when I saw who it was.. you have got to be kidding me!!!
End of pov
Josh: Lexie Marie hossler would you like to explain what you are doing here? (Glares at her with his arms crossed)
Lexie: h how did you find me?
Josh: you left your location on now answer my question Lexie Marie
Lexie: can we not do this here in front of everyone? Your embarrassing me (crosses her arms)
Josh: oh I am sorry if I am embarrassing you at an audition we didn't even give you permission to be at
Director: I am sorry what is going on here?
Lexie: it's nothing I am sorry, josh please just go wait outside
Josh: no and I am sorry for interrupting but I am her legal guardian and we already told her that we weren't comfortable with her auditioning for the show
Director: oh my apologies I was under the impression she had permission because her manager approved and usually they go through the legal guardians
Josh: yeah well her manager should have contacted you and told you but regardless Lexie knew how we felt about it so I am really sorry about this but we need to get going now
Director: no problem and i apologize for not clearing it with Shannon that is her manager right? (Looks at the papers)
Josh: yeah but we'll handle that part don't worry, Lexie apologize and let's go
Lexie: I am really sorry for all of this it wasn't my intention honestly I just wanted to show them that I could do this (looks down and plays with her fingers)
Noel: can we give you some advice kid?
Lexie: yeah (looks up at them)
Noel: you definitely can act and have the skills but because you are still a minor you do need your guardian's permission now I admire your determination and effort but for future projects just play the rules until your eighteen okay?
Lexie: (sighs) okay
Cameron: good luck Lexie maybe when you are older we can find a character suited for you okay?
Lexie: okay thanks guys for understanding bye
(Lexie waves her hand and follows josh out of the building and into his car)
Josh: Lexie you know you are in trouble when we get home right?
Lexie: just shut up right now josh, I can't even believe the scene you just pulled and I don't want to talk to you right now (grabs her headphones and plugs them in her phone)
Josh: don't even think about it hand it over (holds out his hand)
Lexie: fuck off (puts in an earphone in)
Josh: Lexie Marie hossler my patience is running low and unless you want me to pull over right now I suggest you cut it out and give me your phone right now
(Lexie ignores him and rolls her eyes and puts the other earphone in her ear and two minutes later josh pulls over onto a curb and gets out of the car and walks over to the passenger side, grabs her phone and puts it in his pocket and goes back to the drivers side of the car)
Lexie: what the fuck josh!!!!
Josh: (smacks her thigh) not another word Lexie Marie I mean it (starts driving again)
Lexie's pov
I stayed quiet the rest of the car ride and not because I wanted too but because I was seething with anger on the inside and I knew if I opened my mouth it would probably end with it being filled with soap by the time we get into the house. An hour later we pulled into the driveway and of course Jaden's car was in the driveway.. fuck my life.
End of pov
(Josh gets out of the car and closes the drivers side and waits for Lexie to get out but three minutes later she was still sitting in the passenger seat)
Josh: (sighs) give me patience before I lose it on this child (walks over to the passenger side and opens the door) get out Lexie Marie
Lexie: I don't want to
Josh: don't make me pick you up because your punishment will double, get out of the car NOW!!
Lexie: (groans) ugh fineee (unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out of the car and follows josh into the house and as soon as she steps into the house Jaden turns her around)
Jaden: how dare you go behind our backs Lexie Marie
Jaden: and ask Shannon to cover for you!! What were you thinking? (Turns around to face her)
Lexie: (crosses her arms and glares at him) I was thinking that I am sixteen and can make my own decisions, and that includes auditioning!!!
Jaden: DON'T raise your voice at me little girl and we already had that talk yesterday josh and I told you NO and you went ahead and did it anyway!
Lexie: yeah and?
Josh: and now you have lost the trust you took months to earn so I hope you are happy with your decision (walks over to her) I hope it was worth it
Lexie: it would have been if you let me finish instead of barging in there like a crazy person!!!
Josh: are you serious right now?! You snuck out of the house at eight in the morning but I am the crazy one right? (Glares at her)
Lexie: I would have never snuck out if you just let me go so technically this is your fault (shrugs her shoulders)
Josh: I am so done (picks her up and takes her upstairs to the her room, sits down on her bed and pulls her over his lap)
Lexie: alright I am sorry (cries)
Josh: six more
(Josh pulls her up and wipes her tears and kisses her forehead)
Josh: don't you EVER go behind our backs again, when we tell you no it's no is that understood?
Lexie: y y yes joshy (wraps her arms around his neck)
Jaden: look at me lex
(Lexie turns her head to look at Jaden)
Jaden: if I find out that you ever and I mean ever take advantage of Shannon again or get her to cover for you I will punish you with the belt is that clear?
Lexie: y yes bubba how did you find out about that?
Jaden: well after you weren't answering mine or josh's calls I obviously called Shannon who apologized and told me where you were
Lexie: oh
Jaden: hmm you also owe Shannon an apology too so make sure you talk to her the next time you see her alright?
Lexie: okay I will bubba.. I am sorry (gets up from Josh's lap and hugs Jaden)
Jaden: I love you and I hope you really do understand that we are only trying to protect you.. you have made so much progress these past few months and I don't want to jeopardize that
Lexie: I understand now
Josh: good
Jaden: (stands up) now I have to get going because I have to go to the studio
Lexie: okay love you bubba
Jaden: love you too baby (kisses her forehead) later josh
Josh: later
Jaden's pov
After I left josh's house I started heading to the studio because justin wants to have a jam session and show me what he's been working on and I was going to do the same.
End of pov
Lexie's pov
After Jaden left i decided to take a nice hot bath and relax after everything that happened this morning. Was I still upset? Yes but will that change anything? No so I just have to let it go I guess.. on the bright side I actually met Cameron and Noel who said I was good and had potential which was really validating to hear and made me feel more confident in my capabilities. After soaking in the water I actually washed myself and my hair and then turned on the shower head so I could fully rinse off before grabbing the towel and drying myself off. I walked over to dressers and opened up my little space drawer because after today why not, I pulled out my yellow rubber ducky onesie and put it on and after walked over to my little space box and grabbed a yellow pacie and stuck it in my mouth. I crawled out of my room and down the hall to my playroom and grabbed the tv remote, went to Disney plus and put on Sofia, then I grabbed by baby doll and got comfortable in my Ariel bed.
End of pov
Forty minutes later
Gabi: baby what should we have for lunch?
Josh: I don't know what are you in the mood for?
Gabi: hmm chicken?
Josh: you want to get canes?
Gabi: yess
Josh: alright I'll order it now (takes out his phone and orders the food) I am going to check on lex
Gabi: okay
(Josh gets up from the couch and walks upstairs to check her room which was empty but then he heard the tv coming from the playroom so he walked in there to see Lexie asleep with her doll and paci in her mouth, he quietly closes the door, grabs the baby monitor and walks downstairs)
Josh: she's taking a nap
Gabi: oh okay are we going to wake her up when the food gets here?
Josh: yeah if we let her sleep to long she won't sleep tonight (sits on the couch and pulls her into his arms)
Scene change
Jaden: you never let go, you never leave cause you are the ocean and I am stranded at sea, how the hell did we both end up alone, how the hell did your heartbeat get so cold, tell me when did you find out we are better off alone how far is too far, how high is to high show me who you are (sings into the microphone and then stops, takes off the headphones and walks out of the booth to play the song back)
Justin: jaden your vocals for this song are literally so good you have to keep this one on the album
Jaden: yeah I have to agree with you plus it's such a good song lyrically too
Justin: I agree do you want to do another take or are you happy with this version?
Jaden: I am happy with it, I'll show it to Travis another day and get his opinion but I don't think i need to re record it
Justin: unless you want to do it live acoustically with kenji on the guitar and record it that way it'll sound even better
Jaden: I really like that idea actually maybe I'll try it both ways and see which version I like more, now show me what you have been working on lately
Justin: alright alright (gets up from the chair he is sitting on and gets in the booth)
Scene change
Lexie: dada dada dada dada!!!
Josh: (looks at the monitor and stands up from the couch) i'll be right back (walks upstairs to her playroom) hi princess (smiles at her)
Lexie: dada dada (does grabby hands)
Josh: I got you little one (picks her up and placed her on his hip) ready to go downstairs? The food will be here soon
Lexie: yummy (claps her hands)
(Josh walks downstairs just as Gabi opens the front door to get the canes)
Gabi: dining room or living room?
Josh: living room why not, let me just grab an apple juice for lex (walks into the kitchen and places lex on the counter while he grabs a sippy cup and pours the apple juice in it and hands it to Lexie who sticks it in her mouth)
Lexie: yummy! (Smiles and claps)
Josh: you are so cute (kisses her forehead) come on let's go eat
Lexie's pov
Dada sat me on da carpwet and put nuggies on da princess pwate and started handing me pieces to eat when I saw a gwirl walk in and sit next to dada.
End of pov
Lexie: dada who dat? (Points at Gabi)
Josh: this is my girlfriend Gabi, Gabi meet little Lexi
Gabi: hi princess (smiles)
Lexie: (glares) only dada call me pwincess you cwall me lexie
Gabi: okay I am sorry lexie, do you want to watch Barbie while you eat?
Lexie: (gasps) you wike Barbie!? da witch never wiked Barbie!
Josh: Lexie what did we say about calling her that?
Gabi: who is she talking about? (Looks at him)
Josh: she calls nessa a witch
Lexie: because she is!!
Josh: (sighs) okay lex just eat your food (passes her another piece of chicken)
Gabi: anyways what Barbie movie do you want to watch?
Lexie: diamond castle!
Gabi: okay (goes to amazon and rents Barbie and the diamond castle)
Lexie's pov
After eating da chicken I tarted to sing da songs fwom da movie and Gabi sang wif me which was fun. But now I miss bubba.
End of pov
Lexie: dada
Josh: yeah baby?
Lexie: we call bubba?
Josh: do you want to?
Lexie: yes (claps her hands)
Josh: okay (takes out his phone and calls Jaden through FaceTime)
Jaden: hey josh what's up?
Josh: I have a little one that wants to say hi
Lexie: hi bubba!! (Pops into the screen) hi JJ!!!
Justin: (smiles) hi little Lexie how are you?
Lexie: good I sing with Gabi and watch Barbie!
Jaden: aww that sounds fun did you eat?
Lexie: yeah bubba I had nuggies and juice
Jaden: good job baby but Justin and I are working right now so I'll call you before bedtime okay?
Lexie: okay bubba, luv you (blows a kiss at him)
Jaden: love you to baby (blows her a kiss back)
End of FaceTime
Josh's pov
After talking to Jaden we finished Barbie and the diamond castle and moved on to the fairytopia series because lex stayed in little space the rest of the day and before she went to bed I gave her a bottle, placed her in the Ariel crib, gave her the paci and gave her a kiss on the cheek before joining Gabi in our bedroom.
End of pov

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