🛌Let Me Sleep: Screech x Reader (Friendly)🛌

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Screech is Male
Reader is Female

There's always some sort of weirdness, no matter where you are, be it your school, home, workplace, country...

But have you ever looked around to see what is so weird about it? Like, why is that, or what could've possibly happened?

Y/N wondered that. Y/N wondered why everyone felt so uneasy when in dark places, especially near the old and abandoned Doors Hotel.

She is a well known person in the city she lives, because of her job as a detective. Y/N is always looked for to solve hedious mysteries, and she would always come out successful in the end.

But since last week, Y/N has felt unrestful. She cannot stop thinking about the darkness mystery concerning the uneasyness of being in a dark place near the abandoned hotel.

So she finally decided to step up and uncover the mystery. Y/N left her home, went towards the hotel, and looked for its entrance.

She walked towards the hotel's location, and soon enough, she would find an old and rusty metal gate, that led to a staircase, that led to the hotel's entrance.

Y/N entered the main lobby, and she looked around the darkness. She flashed the flashlight she was holding around the room, and saw dusty paintings, stained couches, and tons of cobwebs all over the place.

Y/N then saw two rows of elevators, and she tried to see if one of them were working, and, surprisingly, one of them was working.

She entered it and pressed the button to go a floor down, and a happy melody begun playing, and Y/N thought it was a bop.

Soon, the elevator door opened she saw herself in a small reception room, and as soon as she left the elevator, its door jammed, meaning she was stuck there.

Thee wasn't an emergency exit (for some reason), so all she did was grab the key, that was hanging on the wall behind the counter, and she opened the first door.

Just like Y/N expected, each door she opened revealed a dark room, meaning if the structure's truly abandoned, no power would be on.

And that was a fact. Only the sounds of rain; that begun to pour outside, and her footsteps were audible, along with the door knobs creaking every time Y/N opened a door.

Y/N's exploring came to a halt upon a locked door blocked her way. She looked around the room for the key, but to no success.

Y/N noticed some drawers on the room, and she tried to open them at all costs, despite some of them not being able to open correctly due to the wood becoming more and more weak.

She would eventually find it in a drawer, but as soon as she got it, her flashlight begun flickering, and she thought it was just running out of batteries, and she looked at the few remaining drawers in the room, and found one.

But when she would plug it in the battery holder, a distant distorted scream could be heard, and Y/N thought what in hell would that be.

Not wanting to find out, she looked for a hiding spot, and hid behind the door, just to see a wide toothy grin zoom past her, leaving a trail of black smoke behind.

Y/N was left flabbergasted and confused. What was that thing that just zoomed past her?

"What the f*ck was that..." Y/N murmured to herself, and took her path out of the room.

Y/N went on. Room after room, door after door... You know the drill, monster after monster... All of that.

But that streak would stop when Y/N begun to feel her eyes closing. She was getting tired by the time, and her legs were begging for a break of walking.

Y/N stumbled upon a locked room, and the room also had a small bedroom inside, so she settled herself down on the bed; not before giving it a look.

She closed her eyes, and tried to fall in a deep slumber, but remember little to no people can sleep near the hotel? Well, imagine when you're inside hotel.

Y/N could not fall asleep by any means. She just couldn't. Her eyes would close, but she would not black out at any costs.

And then, it happened. Y/N heard a strange noise, but she couldn't put a finger on it. Was she hearing things?

She heard it again. She sat up on the bed, grabbed her flashlight, and looked around. Nothing was seen.

"Weird..." Y/N mumbled and turned her flashlight off, laying back down on the bed.

But Y/N heard the very same noise again. She heard the very same 'Psst' three times already, and she had enough of it.

"Alright. Whoever the hell is here, show yourself." Y/N sternly said, sitting up on the bed once again.

"Jeez, sorry fam." Y/N heard a male voice say, and she looked to the left to see two bright eyes right beside her bed.

"What the f*ck are you..." Y/N asked, feeling tired, bored, scared, confused... All at the same time.

"Greetings. The name's Screech, and sorry for causing all the people can't sleep problem. I just think people know about my presence, but don't know who I am, making them scared." Screech said.

"Oh... Well uhh... Ok?" Y/N said, grabbing her flashlight and shining it at Screech's body, and it was an average male body.

Screech was wearing a T-shirt and a coat over it, and he also wore bagged pants, and he also had black goo over his eyes, tentacles over his head, and a mask with a hand drawn toothy smile.

"... You're interesting..." Y/N muttered, surprised about Screech's characteristics.

"Thank you. Never got complimented during my entire career of being a complete sleep killer." Screech joked, accepting Y/N's compliment.

"Well, it was nice chatting with you, but now, uhh... Can you please let me sleep?" Y/N asked, pointing her hand towards the pillow.

"Sure, only if you let me sleep with you." Screech joked, trying to hold his laughter.

"I don't see the funny." Y/N made a 'bruh' face and layed down on the bed, closing her eyes.

"Have a nice slumber, sleepyhead." Screech said, stepping out of the room.

"I'll be right here if you need something." Screech commented.

"Alright. I probably won't need anything, but thanks for the reminder." Y/N replied, turning to the side.

"Ouch." Screech dramatically said, closing the door to let Y/N sleep.

" Screech dramatically said, closing the door to let Y/N sleep

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