Twilight Sparkle[[ Bookworm Buddy]]

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(Platonic Love)


Third Person P.O.V

Princess Twilight Sparkle, also known as the Princess of Friendship is known to be bookworm. For she once lived in the Golden Oak Library in Ponyville, that is until it got destroyed by Tirek.

The purple mare was very devastated when her old home got destroyed, but she couldn't be happier when her friends gave her a chandelier of memories with the roots of the Golden Oak Library in the throne room of her new castle.

(Y/N) then decided to ask Celestia to deliver some books from the Canterlot Library and Archives to Twilight so that she can have some new books. 

The young princess then decided to stay with Twilight and Spike for a couple of days to spend some quality time with her besides the royal princess duties. (Y/N) then entered on the palace and see Spike sweeping the hallway. The young dragon sees her and runs to her to give her a light hug.

Spike: (Y/N), your here!!

(Y/N) just smiles pats his head while hugging him back.

(Y/N): Yes Spike, I'm here. Where's Twilight?

Spike: Oh, she is in the library. You can head there now if you want, I'll go get some snacks for you guys once I finish sweeping.

(Y/N): Thank you, Spike!

The young princess then opens the library doors with her magic and sees Twilight engrossed in a book by her desk. The braided mare grins and quietly sat behind Twilight and wrapped her hooves around the older Alicorn's waist. Twilight flinched at the contact, but soon relaxes to the familiar scent of sweet mint. 

Twilight Sparkle: Hi there, my Bookworm Buddy!

(Y/N) just hums lazily while clinging to Twilight like a child does to her mother, the purple mare giggles and puts down the books she was reading to affectionately hug back the younger princess.

Twilight Sparkle: Pick any book you like to read and come back here to my side. Spike is making tea and your favorite snacks!

(Y/N) wordlessly nodded and grabbed a few stacks of books and sat again next to Twilight, while leaning her head on her shoulder. Soon after, Spike entered the room with tea and snacks. He also picked out a book to read and sat at the other side of (Y/N) and leaning on to her. 

The young princess sighs in content as she takes in the peaceful atmosphere around her doing  her hobby with the ones she cares about the most

(Y/N): It's good to be here bookworm buddy...


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