i'm sorry we cant grow closer.

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jeonghan was sorry he couldn't get closer to mingyu.

but if he showed that he cared  for mingyu, more than he needs to, he might send mixed signals.

jeonghan wants mingyu to have a wonderful relationship with someone, someone that wasn't him.

jeonghan was just hanging a condom in mingyu's face, a reaction he found hilarious when mingyu gagged and backed away from him. he quickly washed and dried his hands before turning back to the raven-haired male. jeonghan noticed that mingyu's hands were moving towards his although quivering. is he trying to hold my hands? after i touched a condom?   the older's brows furrowed at the younger's shaking hands, deciding to move his hands back.

jeonghan questioned what on earth mingyu was trying to do, pretending to be oblivious to the fact that he was trying to hold his hands. mingyu excused it as trying to get a piece of dust from jeonghan's hair which did prove to be true, before the devil in disguise teased the taller into thinking that he was going to get lucky. after that the blonde ran off, giggling quietly to himself.

what a cute puppy.

"hey jisoo!" the blonde shouted as his arm clung around his brunette friend. jisoo smiled sweetly at jeonghan, while his eyes told a different tale as he looked like he was about to murder him. jeonghan noticed jisoo's murderous eyes and chuckled at the male, booping his nose. "jisoo, you're so cute when you look like you're about to murder me." it was offputting but it did catch the brunette off guard, who cleared his throat and looked the other way in embarrassment.

jeonghan smiled at his friends cute behavior while walking in silence towards the cafeteria.

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