hiding the truth, pretending i'm fine.

19 2 0

he's okay.

he's fine.

he's completely alright with the fact that he could be replaced, just like a cell in one's body.

"i dropped out of middle school in the eighth grade-"

"kim mingyu what are you rambling about? you clearly didn't drop out in the eighth grade because you're here right now."

another day of jeonghan having to deal with sing-songy mingyu in the morning. the giant was singing another verse of his favorite group's song, trauma before jeonghan decided he had enough.

"just singing jeonghan.. jeez..." mingyu pouted and then at the moment looked like a kicked puppy, which jeonghan didn't pay any mind to. "well your singing has been pissing me off. how long do we have to wait here? i want to talk to my local hot besties already..." the two had arrived early, so the school gates were still closed and they were stuck waiting with a few other students. "i'm one of your hot besties hannie." mingyu said as he stuck out his bottom lip and looked over to the older, who gave him a sideways look and eyebrow raise in return.

"gyu, you're one of my besties, not hot besties. you don't really fit into my standards of hot." ouch. jeonghan could've laid it on more gently but hey, sometimes the truth hurts. "damn. nice to know." and so jeonghan and mingyu just sat in silence, awkward after the blonde's confession.

soon the gates opened and jeonghan's eyes automatically brightened as he saw a certain tuft of caramel-colored hair.

"jisoo-ya!" the brunette turned around, returning the smile that was shown brightly to him. mingyu could only envy jisoo, as jeonghan barely did any pda with him anymore. his eyes wandered, and eventually fell upon a certain spectacle-eyed boy reading harry potter. mingyu ran up to the table where the male was seated, tilting it up in the air for a few seconds as he pounced on the bench on the table. it obviously caught his attention, turning his face up from the book to look at the raven-haired male.

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