Chapter 13

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Tera's Pov

"Do you love Ana...?"

I asked him while still looking at the sky. There was silence for about half a minute. I looked at him; he was staring at me with widened eyes. I chuckled and said, "Don't get tensed, Jinah. I was just asking. I saw you were looking at her secretly, that's why I asked." He looked at me and sighed.

Jin's POV

When she asked me that, I was so shocked. I was not able to form any words. When she said that she was just asking me, I sighed in relief. Then for half an hour, we talked about our family and friends.

"Let's sleep now; we have an interview tomorrow," I said, to which she nodded. Then we went to our rooms.

Next day morning,

Everyone was getting ready for the interview for their new song. After about 30 minutes, they reached their location. The place was crowded. They stepped out from their cars and went inside the building. It was their first interview together. After their interview, it was time to visit XXX place, which is 2 kilometers away from that building, to shoot their new song's dance video.

It was a huge one with so many lights and decorations. Their dancers were present there. They talked to them and returned back to their hotel. Quadrils went to attend their second Interview.

Namjoon's Pov

We, the BTS members, were sitting in Taehyung's room. Quadrils were sleeping because they were so tired. They had two meetings today because their new album is going to be released, so they were shooting their meetings earlier because of their studies.

"We have planned something for you guys," Suga said to them. They looked at him confusingly, and Jungkook asked, "What is it, hyung?"

"Tomorrow Namjoon has to go prepare something for our shooting. So, we all are free tomorrow. Jin and I will go with him, so you guys can go with the girls and enjoy yourselves. We have prepared 4 bikes for all of you, and it's your duty to convince them." They all smiled, and Taehyung said.

"Thank you, hyung." But suddenly Jin said, "I have to tell you guys something." We frowned, and I asked him, "What is it, Jin?"

"I think Tera knows everything," Jin said while looking at Jungkook.

Tae asked, "What do you mean, Hyung?"

"Yesterday night at 12, when I came out of my room, I saw Tera standing there while calling her mom. Then we went to the open area and were talking about random things, but suddenly she asked whether I love Ana or not. She said that she saw me looking at Ana secretly... I don't know what to do again." Everyone looked at him in a surprised look.

Then Jimin asked with a worried face, "Did she know about us too...?"

"I don't know, maybe," Jin said while looking at Jimin, Tae, and Hobi. Suddenly, Tae said, "OH MY GOD, what will I do again? How can I face her again? Shit..."

Suddenly, Jungkook said, "Don't worry about it." They all looked at him with confused faces, then he continued, "I've already decided to tell Tera about my feelings after we arrive in Korea." They looked at him with surprised expressions.

Jin asked, "You haven't told us about it, Kook."

"I'm sorry for that. I thought to tell you guys after reaching Korea." Jungkook smiled.

 "So what were you talking about, JK?" Tae asked him impatiently. He smiled and said, "When I'm going to propose to her, you all come with me and tell her about everything. She will understand, I'm damn sure about it. And things will go smoothly."

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