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Liz's Pov

Suddenly, she stopped in front of Kang's house. I clenched my jaw. Tae looked at me with a confused face. "Why is she here, Liz?"

"I don't know. Don't tell anyone," I said. Taehyung looked at me and asked, "But why?"

"Don't ask me why. First, I need to find out what she's hiding from us," I said, looking at the entrance gate. Taehyung nodded, still confused. "We need to find out. You'll be there with me, right?" I asked him.

He smiled and said, "Of course." I smiled back at him. We tried to enter, but the security didn't allow us inside. How did Tera get in? Does she visit here frequently? So many thoughts were roaming in my head. At last, we decided to wait for her a little bit away from his house.

Tera's Pov

I entered Kang's house and shouted, "KANG, YOU MOTHERFUCKER, COME OUTSIDE!" Hearing me shout, his maids came towards me with scared faces.

"Ms. Flores," one maid tried to calm me, but my anger had taken over. I was blinded by rage, and I shouted at the maid, "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND CALL YOUR FUCKING BOSS."

The maid flinched and was about to go call him, but before she could, he came and asked the maid, "What happened? Who shouted?" in his cold voice.

"Can't you see I'm standing here, Kang?" When he heard my voice, he smirked, came towards me, and asked, "So now you have time to come and meet me, huh?" I closed my eyes and said,

"JUST SHUT UP AND ANSWER ME. ANA HAD AN ACCIDENT TODAY. WAS IT YOU WHO WAS BEHIND IT?" When I asked him, he suddenly started laughing like a maniac. I looked at him in confusion.

"Yes, it's me!" When he said that, I grabbed his collar and shouted at him, full of anger, "FOR WHAT? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT, KANG?"

When I asked him, he chuckled, then suddenly stopped and looked at me while grabbing my arms. He said, "I told you to come outside your house. Why didn't you listen to me? I've already told you not to disobey me, right? You know the consequences. But still, you were stubborn and disobeyed me, right, Aster Flores?"

After hearing his words, my grip loosened. My eyes were getting teary.

"Why did you do that?" I said softly, with teary eyes. I slapped him and shouted, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT, KANG?"

He clenched his jaw but controlled himself and said, "I will do it again if you disobey me. And the next prey will be Rae and Ria together." He came close to my ear and continued, "So don't be stubborn again and listen to me like a good girl." He said this and walked towards the stairs.

"I WILL TELL THIS TO JUNGKOOK," I shouted. He turned towards me, chuckled, and said, "Try it, then you will see what will happen." He said this and walked away. My tears started to roll down. Seeing me like this, one of the maids tried to touch me, but I shouted, "DON'T COME CLOSER TO ME!"

The maid paused in her tracks. I kneeled down and cried. After about 5 minutes, I went outside.

Liz's Pov

Suddenly, I saw her coming outside. She looked so tired. Then she drove off. We followed her.

End of Tera's Pov

Jungkook's Pov

I was searching for her everywhere. I was getting so tense. I couldn't even call her because her phone was out of charge. Suddenly, I thought of the seaside walkway where she always goes to relax. I went there and searched for her. After searching for 15 minutes, I saw her standing there, looking at the moon.

I ran towards her and back hugged her. She startled.

"It's me, love..." When she heard my voice, she calmed down a bit and turned around. "Why are you here, Kook?"

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