Warm Embrace

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I shake my hands of the water that slowly drips from my fingertips. Erykah Badu plays in my ears, as I swish my hips from side to side and put the dishes away.

Humming the tune of didn't cha know, I slide my way over to the dish washer to empty it. My mood has been over the moon lately and I've had a glow that I don't remember ever having.

My parents and friends have commented on my glow and constant smiles for years and I give them all the same answer. The most obvious answer I can give, I'm in love.

I smile at the thought of my man of two years. I've had this same glow that I had when we first started dating. Skip treats me like a Queen, an Empress to be specific and I do my utmost to treat him like the Emperor he is.

That's why when he's at the studio all day or on the road, I make sure he has a clean home and hot meal to come back to. I make sure that I look my best and treat him the way he treats me.

I cater to my man in the best way and when he's in the mood, I have no problem giving him good loving every time.

I bite my lip, as warm embrace by Chris Brown starts playing on my Spotify playlist. Grabbing the broom, I slowly sway my hips and sing along to the sensual song.

"Temperature keeps rising like Poseidon when you ride my waves. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." A smile spreads across my lips, as I start body rolling around the kitchen.

My dancing background starts to kick in, as I push my fingers in my curls and slowly swirl my hips in a circle. My feet effortlessly glide across the tile floor, as if I'm floating.

"I wanted to wrap you in my warm embrace and make it last forever, girl I catch a glimpse of heaven when you let me wrap you in my warm embrace." Chills go up my spine, as I imagine the feeling of Skip's arms around me.

So many times we've lost ourselves, as we'd sway slowly to the sound of music right here in our home. Both of us are very open minded people and old souls, so we love a lot of different genres of music.

From R&B to Reggae and Jazz. From hiphop to Latin pop and many other genres and languages. We don't discriminate, but R&B is my roots, just like Reggae is his and we resonate more with those two genres.

So, whenever I listen to R&B music, I slip into the soft velvety tunes of love and sweet melodies. Even the songs about heartbreak by Summer Walker and SZA, I resonate with.

But, there's something about listening to love songs when you're in love or even when you have a crush. It's an intoxicating feeling that makes anyone feel like they're floating in a different stratosphere.

Like you're floating in space, entirely. I'm no different.

I've completely abandoned my housework, as more love songs play on my 'Lovers' playlist. I get so enthralled in it, that I don't notice when Skip gets home.

Hearing my singing, he walks towards the kitchen and smiles at my dancing frame.

Now, dancing to the sweet tunes of Babyface singing about as soon as he gets home from work, he'll give his lady some good love.

The thought of being in Skip's arms make me feel a type of way. Sighing to myself, I decide to text him.

But, as I turn around, I gasp at the sight of Skip leaning against the wall.

He's clearly amused and walks over to me.

"Welcome home!"

Skip wraps his arms around me.

"Good to be home. Especially, since I have such a sexy woman waiting for me." His Jamaican accent has always been so sexy to me.

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