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The summer heat makes the air extremely humid and warm. The sun beams it's hot light onto our skin, making sweat drip down our bodies and soak into our clothes.

But, the cooling splash from the waterfall make being out here worth it.

My friends yell happily around me, as they splash water at each other and swim around. I smile and tilt my head back, letting the cold water pour onto my heated skin and drench my thick mane of hair.

As I stand upright, I catch a glimpse of my best friend Skip smoking a blunt with his cousins and homeboys. I bite my lip at the sight of him in all black.

Black shorts, a black T-shirt and black button up that hangs open and flaps slightly in the warm breeze.

His long dreads pile into his lap and his beard is neatly trimmed. (Thanks to me)

I've had a little crush on him for a few years, now.

But, we've been friends for a lot longer and since he's always had a girlfriend, I never found the courage to confess.

However, his recent breakup has put him back on the market.

But, I'm still hesitant to tell him how I feel.

For one, his mindset is far from looking for a new relationship. He wants to play the field for awhile, fool around and have fun before that next love comes into his life.

I sigh and mentally kick myself.

His mindset to casually see other people wasn't originally his idea!

My dumbass, who wanted to be supportive to my best friend, told him not to rush into another relationship.

"You're only 27. If you're gonna play around, now is the time."

"I'm such a dumb ass.." I mumble.

Deep in my own thoughts, I hadn't noticed that Skip had moved from his original spot on the rocks.

My vision is currently zoned into the spot he was, but I wasn't particularly paying attention to him.

Now, I look like I'm in some kind of trance, as I remain perfectly still with a perplexed look on my face.

The gentle touch of a hand wrapping around my wrist startles me and I gape at the image of Skip standing next to me.

"Whatcha doing over here by your lonesome?" He asks.

"Huh?" I question, as I look around the river and see all our friends getting dressed to leave.

"You were just zoned out over here." Skip smirks, knowingly.

I smile, embarrassed at my lack of awareness and let him lead me towards solid ground.

"You know, it's a terrible habit to just zone out like that." He starts to fuss and I give him a look.

"Don't even start! I've been working on it and it hasn't been been happening too often." I defend myself, as I bend to grab my Jean shorts.

"Alright. Just as long as you're aware."

Grabbing my Paramore t-shirt, I slip it over my head and grab my bottled water.

"Where are we off to, now?" I ask, as I subconsciously take Skip's outstretched hand.

"Back to the villa to eat and rest."

I nod and take deep breaths, as we walk uphill.

The trail to the river leads downward from the parking lot. Going down seemed quick and easy, but when I tell you it was HELL going back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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