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Haive was sitting on her desk table she was on her computer Searching for details for her thesis defense. while she was doing her work she got hungry, so she stood up and went downstairs to get food. since she's the only one home she needs to cook for herself well the cookers of their house is on a day off.

"Ah, ms. Haive what are you doing?" Haive flinched when she heard one of the maids. "oh I'm sorry mr
s. Haive did i scare you.. here let me cook for you." Haive refused the maid's offer. "No, i can do it by myself it's your day off, why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be home with your family? you can go home and bond with them."

The maid smiled at Haive softly and bowed as a Thank you. "huh? You don't need to bow to me, I'm not my mother." the maid raised and said "Thank you ms. Haive." the maid gave Haive one last smile and walks out of the house.

Before the maid could close the door Haive called her "Uhm hey, did my mother give you, your allowance?" The maid smiled and shook her head. Haive went silent for a bit and grabbed her wallet and walked towards the maid.

"here." She gives the maid her allowance the maid was refusing Haive because the amount of money that Haive gave was out of the maximum of her allowance. "Ms. Haive this is too much. You can't just give me this kind amount of money.." Haive just shook her head.

"No, you've been at this house ever since i was 5. Now I'm giving you this for a fair change." The maid was stunned for a sec she can't let a word out because of the money. "But i.." Haive just took the maid's hand and Puts the money on her hand.

"You have a Family.. you should surprise them." The maid was speechless and almost cried in front of Haive but she stopped her self. "Thank you so much Ms. Haive, i'll come back for a change of your kindness." Haive just raised her eyebrows while the maid was walking down the stairs.

"You don't have to. Enjoy your day off." The maid gave Haive a goodbye wave and left. Haive closed the front door of their house and went back to the kitchen. When she's done cooking Haive puts her food on the long table.

when she was about to eat she opened her phone first to look at something and she saw a notification from her Instagram that was 10 minutes ago. she clicked it and saw that someone followed her.

Vee🐝 followed you!

She was clueless who this girl is so she stalked her. Haive found out that this is the girl from earlier at the meeting. But she noticed that the girl wasn't following her anymore she just ignored it and thinks that it was only an accident.

So she ate her food. while she was eating Haive suddenly jumped when she looked at the other side and saw an 8 year old purring a water on the cup. "s-shit.. you scared me" she held her chest her heart was beating fast. "sorry.. woahh are you real??" The 8 year old asked her.

"Yes i am, why are you here? who are you?" Haive asked the boy "my name is George, my dad is a driver." Haive realized that this kid is the son of one of their drivers. "Geo! i'm so sorry Ms. Haive i told him to get some water his self because his thirsty but i guess he entered the wrong kitchen.." he patted his son's head and let him finish drinking.

"But dad, this house is massive huge! this is the only kitchen i saw heree" george said the driver Kevin laughed and put the glass cup on the sink. "Don't worry i'll just wash this." Haive stood up and spoke "no worries, i just finished eating."

"but.." Haive puts the plates on the sink and the driver kevin stepped back. "don't worry this house is a free house if I'm the only one here." Kevin smiled and guided his son to the backyard. "and also don't say sorry to me, it's always okay because I'm not that strict." Kevin stopped while George turned his head to the young lady.

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