1. Spiders and Scorpions!

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"Ah, New York, the city that never sleeps. It's honestly pretty beautiful up here and not down in the crowded streets."

I was standing on the peak of the Chrysler Building with incredible balance.

"And since it never sleeps, I should check to make sure that no one is trying to steal anything out of the cookie jar while mom and pop are asleep."

I took a single step off the building and began to free fall through the air without a single care. It was then that I pressed down on a device attached to my wrist, which shot out a web that attached itself to a nearby building. The momentum I had allowed me to swing forward and upwards through the air as I cheered to myself before shooting another web from my other wrist.

"Even after three years, this still never gets old."

Who was this strange man jumping off of buildings like a madman? This was none other than (Y/n) Parker. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Aka, me.

At the age of 15, I was bitten by a radioactive spider that caused my DNA to change drastically. The spider bite had increased my muscle growth and gave me a higher metabolism. It also increased my strength, speed, stamina, and agility. Along with the incredible ability to climb along most surfaces and have a sixth sense for oncoming danger, I dubbed my spider sense. I also had a minor healing factor.

These were everything I needed to become Spider-Man.

I did a few flips on the air before landing on a building that was relatively closer to the streets.


"Alright, it looks like someone is deciding to be bad."

I looked over further up the street and saw a trio of men running out of a jewelry store with some duffel bags in their hands.

"I did say someone was gonna steal right out of the cookie jar."

I jumped off the building and attached a web to the side of it, and swung myself over to them. With ease, I landed on a lamppost and stood straight with my arms crossed.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, I happen to notice your rather large bags. I do hope that's your gym equipment."

"It's Spider-Man!" Said one of the men. He was currently wearing a green ski mask that exposed his eyes and mouth. The other two wore similar styled ones but with different colors. One was red and the other was blue."

"That's my name! Don't wear it out."

I finger gunned in his direction as they all simultaneously pulled their real guns out.

"Wow, you boys are in sync! I can't even lie. The way you all did that at the same time was just beyond amazing. I'll give you a round of applause."

I gave them my congratulations as the green masked one shot at me. But I felt a tingle run through my head beforehand, which gave me time to react. I slid my feet back as my strange position caused me to fall backward, but due to my ability to stick to things, I merely rotated along the lamppost and hung upside down with my back facing them.

I dropped down and rotated my body to face them.

"Any bright ideas, Huey?" Asked the blue masked man.

"Don't use my name, Dewey, you dumbass!" Screamed Huey.

"Wait. Your name is Huey, and you're wearing red? And your name is Dewey and you're wearing blue? Lemme guess, you're Louie?" I jokingly asked the green masked man.

"N-No!" He said immediately, deflecting any assumption to his name. He then dropped his shoulders and sighed. "Yeah. It is."

"Oh my God! That's adorable! Did you guys form a team before or after finding out each others' names?"

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