"Shattered Trust: Maya's Betrayal"

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Maya's bedroom, a somber atmosphere pervades the room, heavy with tension and disappointment. Maya sits beside Arjun, his bruised and unconscious form a stark reminder of the chaos that has unfolded. Dhanush stands nearby, his expression a mixture of guilt and defiance, while Maya's parents enter the room, their faces etched with anger and disbelief.

**Maya's Father**: [Enters the room, his voice trembling with fury] Maya! What in the world do you think you're doing?!

[Maya's mother follows, her eyes filled with tears as she takes in the scene before her.]

**Maya's Mother**: [Voice trembling with emotion] How could you betray us like this, Maya? We trusted you!

[Maya's heart pounds with fear and shame as she struggles to find the words to explain herself, her voice barely above a whisper.]

**Maya**: I... I'm sorry, Mom... Dad... It was a mistake...

**Maya's Father**: [Shaking with rage] A mistake?! Kissing a boy in your own room is not a mistake, Maya! It's a disgrace!

[Maya's mother turns away, unable to bear the sight of her daughter's shame. Dhanush watches silently, his guilt weighing heavily on his shoulders.]

**Maya's Mother**: [Voice filled with disappointment] We raised you better than this, Maya. How could you bring such shame upon our family?

[Maya's father turns to Dhanush, his eyes blazing with anger.]

**Maya's Father**: And you! You were supposed to protect your sister, not encourage her reckless behavior!

[Dhanush's fists clench at his sides, his voice dripping with resentment.]

**Dhanush**: She's the one who was acting recklessly! She's the one who brought him here!

[Maya's father's face turns red with fury, his voice booming with rage.]

**Maya's Father**: I don't want to hear any excuses from you, Dhanush! You're just as responsible for this mess as she is!

[Maya's mother's tears turn to anger as she faces Maya.]

**Maya's Mother**: How could you let this happen, Maya? Do you have any idea how much shame you've brought upon us?!

**Maya**: [Voice trembling with sorrow] I'm sorry, Mom... Dad... I never meant to hurt you...

**Maya's Father**: [Voice stern and unforgiving] Maya, we need to talk about what happened.

[Maya nods silently, her heart heavy with guilt as she braces herself for her parents' judgment.]

**Maya's Mother**: [Voice filled with sorrow] Maya, what you did was unacceptable. You brought shame upon our family.

[Maya's mother's words cut deep, her disappointment like a knife in Maya's chest.]

**Maya**: [Voice barely above a whisper] I'm sorry, Mom... Dad... I never meant to hurt you.

**Dhanush**: [Voice dripping with resentment] She should be punished for what she's done. She can't just get away with it.

[Maya's father's brow furrows with determination as he considers his son's words.]

**Maya's Father**: He's right. We can't let this behavior go unpunished. Maya needs to learn her lesson.

[Maya's heart sinks as she realizes what her father is suggesting. Fear grips her as she waits for his next words.]

**Maya's Mother**: [Voice filled with sadness] What are you saying, dear?

[Maya's father takes a deep breath, his decision weighing heavily on his conscience.]

**Maya's Father**: Maya, as punishment for your actions, we've decided that it's time for you to get married.

[Maya's eyes widen in shock, her breath catching in her throat at the suddenness of her father's announcement.]

**Maya**: [Voice trembling with fear] But... but Dad... I'm not ready for marriage... Please...

[Maya's pleas fall on deaf ears as her father's resolve hardens.]

**Maya's Father**: It's final, Maya. This is the consequence of your actions. You'll marry the man of our choosing, and that's the end of it.

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