Widening chasms

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Daksh's friends greet him with raised eyebrows and curious expressions as he joins them at the coaching center.

Daksh's friends greet him with raised eyebrows and curious expressions as he joins them at the coaching center

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Aditya: "Hey, Daksh! Long time no see. Where have you been hiding?"

Rishi: "Yeah, you've been MIA lately. Everything okay?"

Daksh offers a tight-lipped smile, his demeanor guarded as he responds to their inquiries.

Daksh: "Just been busy with some personal stuff."

Aditya: "Ah, I see. Well, hope you're all set for today's test. It's a crucial one, you know."

Rishi: "Yeah, the pressure's on. Are you feeling prepared?"

Daksh's expression hardens slightly, a flicker of determination shining in his eyes as he responds confidently.

Daksh: "I've been putting in the work. I'm ready for whatever they throw at us."

As Daksh settles into his seat, his teacher notices his absence from recent classes and approaches him with concern.

Teacher: "Daksh, I hope everything is alright. You've never missed a class before. Is everything okay?"

Daksh nods, offering a reassuring smile to his teacher.

Daksh: "Yes, sir. Just had some personal matters to attend to, but I'm here now and ready for the test."

His friends, Aditya and Rishi, chime in with supportive nods, echoing Daksh's sentiments.

Aditya: "Yeah, Daksh has been busy lately, but he's always on top of his game."

Rishi: "Totally. He's got this."

Daksh's teacher offers a nod of understanding, trusting Daksh's dedication to his studies.

Teacher: "Alright then, Daksh. Just wanted to make sure everything was alright. Best of luck with the test."

With a grateful nod, Daksh turns his attention back to the upcoming test, his determination unwavering as he prepares to give it his all.

As Daksh exits the testing room, he's approached by Shanaya, a fellow student, who greets him with a friendly smile.

As Daksh exits the testing room, he's approached by Shanaya, a fellow student, who greets him with a friendly smile

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