Taemin - Music School AU

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It was the first day at your new music school and you were running late. You ran most of the way there and managed to slip in before the teacher did, sitting next to a pretty looking girl.

Opening your bag, you realised you'd forgotten to take the one thing you needed: something to write with.

"Excuse me, do you have a pen?" you asked.


The voice of the person next door surprised you, and when you looked up, you realised you'd made a mistake. You weren't sitting next to a girl, you were sitting next to a very pretty guy.

He smiled and handed you a pen. "I'm Taemin."

You introduced yourself and thanked him. "Nice to meet you."

From that moment onwards, the two of you became friends. You'd always sit next to each other in class and study together afterwards. You were so grateful that you'd sat next to him on the first day because normally it was hard for you to make any friends at all.

On this particular day, you were getting ready to leave class when Taemin touched your arm.

"Wanna study together later?" he asked.


He told you where to meet him in town. Normally you just studied at school, but you assumed he wanted to study at the city library instead.

When you met up with him hours later, he'd changed into fancier clothes, making you give him a quizzical look.

"Why are you dressed like that?"

"What, a guy can't look nice from time to time?"

You shrugged. He did look nice all dressed up.

"So, are we going to the library?"

"I was more thinking of a coffee shop."

"Oh. Why not?"

You let him lead you to one where he chose a table near the window. You pulled out your notebook as he looked at the menu.

"Order anything you want, it's on me." He smiled at you.

"You don't have to Taemin-"

"I want to."

He handed you the menu, still smiling, with a hint of something you didn't recognise in his eyes. What was up with him? Was he just in a good mood?

You chose a drink and some cake and waited until he came back with them to start doing some work. Eventually though, you began to realise that Taemin wasn't really working, he was just gazing at you.

"What?" you asked, frowning, once again wondering what was up with him.

"Nothing. Hey, wanna go somewhere else?"

"Somewhere else?"

"Yeah, I know someplace nice."

You were majorly confused but you got up and followed him all the same, letting him take you to a park. You strolled side by side in comfortable silence, only broken by Taemin's occasional chatter. Eventually when he suggested sitting on a bench, you stopped walking.

"Taemin, what are we doing? We haven't even studied properly today yet and yet you're taking me all over the place. What's going on?"

He seemed a bit bashful and looked down at his feet for a moment, playing with his fingers.

"I just wanted... Well I figured you wouldn't come with me unless I said we were studying."

"Come with you to do what?"

"Go on a date." He blushed and met your gaze.

Your eyes widened. This was a date all along? Taemin actually wanted to go on a date with you?

"I'm sorry, I should have asked you properly," he said, breaking through your shock.

You still didn't know what to say so you just looked at him.

"I made things awkward, didn't I?" He chuckled.

"Taemin... If you'd asked me, I would have said yes," you finally let out.

"Really?" He lit up then with that adorable angelic look you liked so much.

"Yes. I've always liked you." You blushed. "Even though I mistook you for a girl at first."

"Hey!" He playfully shoved you but smiled, embracing you in a hug. "I really like you too."

You stayed like that for a couple of moments before he pulled away, going in for a brief kiss.

"Wanna go on an actual date with me?"

"Of course." You smiled softly.

He took your hand in his big warm one and led you back to town with a smile, swinging your hands between you.

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