A Sea-ginning

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Grian’s pov:

“Hurry up jimmy! I don’t wanna get caught” I swam faster, racing to get past the guards. He swam as fast as he could to keep up with me. “We shouldn’t even be doing this! Dad would kill us if he found out!” I stopped swimming and turned to him, smirking. “Hence why we won’t get caught.” Pearl chuckled. “Come on, lighten up jimmy” he rolled his eyes. I smiled and continued swimming closer to the surface. “Why are we even going to the surface?” Jimmy asked. “Because I wanna show you two something I found last time I was up here.” he stopped. “You come up to the surface frequently?!” I turned around and placed my hand on his mouth. “Shhhhh! Shut up. You're gonna get us caught” he nodded.

We finally made it to the surface. I shook my head, shaking the water from my hair. I turned to see Jimmy's hair once again soaked. “Opps, sorry” I giggled. He rolled his eyes. “So what is it you wanted to show us” my eyes lit up with excitement. I took their hands and led them to the shore. There I showed them a crown I found buried in the sand. “What is that?” Pearl asked. “It looks like a crown?” Jimmy said, more of a question than an observation. I smiled. “It is! It’s a human crown, fascinating isn’t it!” Jimmy’s eyes widened. “So not only are you frequently visiting the surface, you're collecting human things?!” I rolled my eyes. “It’s not like I’m talking to one.” Jimmy raised an eyebrow. “At this point I wouldn't be surprised if you were” I rolled my eyes once more. “Oh please, your jaw would drop to the sea floor”

Scar’s pov:

“By mom! I’ll be back soon. Goodbye father.” I said to Cleo and Etho as I left to go exploring once more. Bdubs had begged to go with me but I told him I wanted to go alone this time. With all the stress of my parents trying to find me a princess to marry, I need to clear my head. In my opinion I didn't want to get married yet, but it was tradition. I slid past the guards and headed to the beach. And then I saw it. Something I only caught glimpses of every so often. “Are you the one who collects the shiny stuff on the shore?” I called out. It snapped its attention towards me, its eyes wide open. Another one punched him in the shoulder. “You’ve been seen by a human too!?” They speak english?!

A different one tugged on his arm signaling him they needed to leave. “Wait!” I shouted. “I promise i mean no harm” i put my hands up to show they weren’t holding anything. The two new ones hid behind the main one. He had dirty blond hair and a fish tail that shimmered a soft blue with green and pink stripes. (based off a parrotfish) he was beautiful. I sat down. “names Scar.” The main one ignored his friend’s panicked whispers and swam closer. “Grian” he said. I smiled and looked at the other two. The girl was the first of the two, quickly followed by the other. “I’m pearl, that's jimmy.” she said, referring to the other one. “I’ve never met fish people. I didn’t even know they existed.” Grian giggled. “Fish people? Is that what you humans call us?” I raised an eyebrow. “I mean, you have a fish tail but a human torso.” he only laughed harder. “Merpeople” he corrected.
“Oh, that makes more sense I guess.” he smiled. I returned it but my smile quickly faded as I realized the one named Jimmy was glaring at me. “Is something wrong?” I said nervously. His stare hardened. “Forgive me but merpeople don’t have the best history with humans…” oh. “I’m sorry to hear that. I can assure you I have no ill intentions.” he didn’t seem to buy it. I looked up at the sun to realize it was already creeping to supper time. I shot up, the sudden move making them flinch. “Sorry, I gotta go. it ‘s almost dinner.” grian nodded. “Will you be back tomorrow?” he asked. I smiled, happy he’d want to see me again. “I’ll meet here again at noon.” and with that I returned home.

I managed to make it back in time for dinner. Mom caught me before I made it to the dining table. “You’ve been outside almost all day, wash your hands before supper” she lectured. I sighed and changed my path towards the restroom. I was quick but thorough to wash my hands. We were having dinner like any other night before father spoke up. “I think it’s time we discuss your adventures, Scar.” I swallowed the food in my mouth and cleared my throat. “What about them?” He sighed. “You should be paying more attention to your duties, this is also making finding you a wife more difficult. I looked at the table. “I still think I'm a bit young to get married” He raised an eyebrow. “I was your age when I married your mother.” I frowned and looked at cleo. “Mom. Did you WANT to get married that young” she glared at Etho. “No sweetie. I used to go on the same adventures as you. Oh how I miss those days.” She said blatantly. Etho scoffed and returned his attention to me. “Listen, I'm just trying to do what's best for the kingdom.

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