Screw Up (Stone x reader)

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     You had joined Vinnie, Skip and Stone a few weeks ago after getting you out of a possible tussle when a rich gentlemen caught you trying to pick pocket him. You couldn't have been happier to have those three and their generosity, but something still rubbed you the wrong way. 

    Stone was the only one of the group that seemed to be annoyed by your sudden presence, he was even more annoyed when he got stuck with you when they schemed things. You weren't very good at pick pocketing, you'd always get caught one way or another and it would cause the other to get caught and you'd have to make a run for it and relocate your stomping grounds for the day. 

    You knew Stone disliked you greatly, you've heard him complain to Vinnie and Skip before when all three of them thought you were elsewhere and out of ear shot. "They keep screwing up our schemes! We can't afford to feed another mouth when they can't contribute to anything and are putting a dent in our savings!". 

   Stone was especially unhappy with you this morning, you had ended up drawing attention to yourself when you tripped while pickpocketing an extremely wealthy looking individual and ended up dragging down the guys pants with you in the fall. That also alerted Stone's victim and the next thing you knew, you were both booking it out of there empty handed. You both walked back to your quartets area in the slums in silence, Stone immediately pulled out a cigarette and lit it while leaning against the alley wall.  Yeah... he looked pissed.

   You cautiously walk towards him, taking a deep breath. "Hey...I know I fucked up this morning's scheme, and I know that makes me a nuisance, but I promise I'll do better, you have my word". Stone looks at you with an exasperated expression and drags his cigarette, he's tired of you constantly apologizing every time.  "Its whatever", its clear he didn't have high hopes for you. Vinnie and Skip come back with their share of stolen items and dump it in a safe area in the makeshift tent at the back of the alley, you all then make your way to Entertainment Square. You all split up and started getting to work.

  You tried to the best of your ability to steal from a couple people's belongings but ended up getting caught every single time, they all ended in either you trying to dodge and whack or running out of sight before they tried to grab the attention of the authorities. The last one ended up with you getting hit in the face with a women's purse, she must've had an abundance of cosmetics in there or something because it ended up bruising your face. 

  You sat there on the street cradling the right side of your face where you got hit with tears pricking at the corners of your eyes while the lady waltzed away with a "hmph!". Stone watched your failure to yet again rob someone, a touch of concern creeped onto him but he chose to ignore it and continue stealing.

  Vinnie and Skip were showing off all the stuff they managed to get off of people with Stone watching with a bored expression. You were off to the side with your hair covering up the side of your face where you got hit adorning an unreadable expression. 

  "Hey, I was thinking of going to fetch us some...bread for dinner! There was a restaurant back near the square that had surprisingly unattended bread sticks left on the tables!"

 "Alright! Don't take too long though, or else today's share of food will not go un-wasted and there won't be any left for you" Vinnie replied.  You started making your way back towards the square, leaving the trio to head back to the slums. That is, if Stone wasn't a bit suspicious of what you were doing, or just worried you'd get caught...again. 

  Stone ended up telling Skip and Vinnie to go on ahead, he followed you for a little while from a distance till he found you up on one of the buildings at the corner of where the square is bordered. You were sitting at the ledge with your head in your arms and knees tucked in, shaky breathing could be heard from beneath your muffled noises. 

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