Warmth (Stone x reader)

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You were kicked to the curb when your family could no longer tolerate your presence, you were quite the nuisance to them. So whilst trying to survive on the streets you came across a trio of scraps who were willing to let your join them. You've gotten to know them over the course of a year and a half, you can happily say that they're your friends now. Sure, they may think your a bit of an interesting...case... and a bit oblivious, but its not like they're any less weird. 

One day you needed some time alone, it was a regular occurrence when the bustling of Ramshackle and its snooty residence became too much for you. The quiet lasted for a while before you heard footsteps approaching you, then someone sitting down next to you. You glanced up— Stone. He sat beside you quietly, taking a drag of a cigarette before his eyes shifted over to you. He extended his cigarette towards you calmly as he exhaled the substance.

"Doing alright?" He asked you in his classic monotone tone, but there was a hint of sympathy in his voice. 

You lift your head from your knees. "Yeah...just enjoying the quiet...I'm also a bit tired...finding good stuff to eat when winter is in our midst is exhausting..."

You stayed silent as you took the cigarette off of his hand. You took in one drag before handing it back to him. Your eyes returned back to the ground as you felt the cold weather seep into your bones. You crossed your arms tight and shivered subtly.

Stone took notice of this and sighed softly.

"Need a blanket?" He asked dryly, taking another drag of his cigarette.

"That would be sufficient" You respond.

Stone gave another dry exhale as he took another drag of his cigarette. "Alright."

He took out a folded blanket out of his bag before handing it over to you.

"Keep it." He told you bluntly, though his tone seemed softer than usual.

Stone took out another cigarette off of his pocket and then lit it with his lighter. He took a drag and passed the lighter over to you wordlessly.

"Well now I feel bad...Where did you get such a good quality blanket?" You say while noticing the lack of tear and wear on the blanket.

"You don't got to worry about it." Stone said, his words still being dry and blunt. "Just take it and keep it, kay?"

You think for a moment before coming up with an idea, you wrap the blanket around yourself and move a bit closer to Stone and wrap the other half of the blanket around him. 

"There, now its fair." You say with a grin

Stone was surprised by this, and though his expression stayed indifferent, he was slightly flushed by your movement.

"This wasn't what I meant." He mumbled out dryly, his cheeks still a touch pink. "I'm not cold." He said, his tone still soft and dry despite him being clearly lying.

"How? You can literally see one's breath in the air." You respond

Stone stayed dead silent for a moment before his face flickered with annoyance. "Fine." He hissed out. "I'm cold. Just shut up about it."

You sit there for a bit, you then start blowing your breath into the cold air and watching it dissipate into the air, imagining your a dragon. 

Stone watched you do so with a calm, unamused stare, but he raised his eyebrow ever so slightly when you made yourself appear as a dragon.

"You know you look silly doing that?" He asked, but a ghost of a smirk hinted at the corner of his mouth.

"And? Its fun." You state while you continue to blow puffs of breath.

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