Infectious Harmony (Stone x reader)

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  Entertainment Square was where some of the richest of Ramshackle wandered about in search of meaningless ways to pass the time. Many less wealthy individuals would take this as an opportunity to set up means of business or performances to please the rich in hopes of gaining some money off of them. Stone, Vinnie, and Skipp were used to such displays since they usually schemed and pick pocketed in the area, however today was different. 

Most of the square was less crowded today, this was an interesting occurrence to the trio since this never happened.  Suddenly the trio hears cheering in the distance, they go to investigate to find a decently sized crowd around a performance of some sort. The trio shimmy their way between the crowd to see what all the fuss was about only to find a small swing band!

You weren't anything fancy, you looked just like any other scrap, but had an amazing voice. The crowd was swaying to the beat of the music while occasionally clapping to the beat and cheering, Vinnie and Skipp exchanged excited looks and were clapping along. Stone however, looked enamored, he was totally enraptured, infatuated even, something very unlike him. 

You continued to sing your heart out, the swing band playing just as passionately. Vinnie was a little disappointed that Stone wasn't as excited as she was. She turned back to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey." She said, waving a hand in front of his face. "Earth to Stone. Anybody in there?" This wasn't the reaction she'd expected from him. Even Skipp looked a little concerned; he'd never seen Stone be this stunned.

You and the band eventually finished the song and all took a small bow, the crowd cheers and whistles and starts to disperse. You walk over to the band members and say a thanks while collecting a small share of coins, you start to make your leave while waving at the members as they wave back. 

Vinnie looked over at Skipp and made a gesture for him to go distract the performer. "This'll be a good chance" She thought to herself as Skipp ran up to you.

Skipp made his way over to you with a genuine excitement on his face and spoke. "Excuse me!" He said, tapping you on the shoulder with a smile. "I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the show! You were great!"

You turn to face him. "Oh! Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!".

"Oh, it was my pleasure listening to you, really... Say, I've never seen you here around before. Have you performed here often?" He questioned. This was the perfect time to get information about you that Vinnie and Stone could use to their advantage.

"I've only just started performing at the square, I struck a deal with that swing band over there and now I'm here!" You respond.

"Only just started? Wow, you're a natural! You'll totally be making loads of cash in no time!" He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Anyways, what's your name? I'm Skipp." He introduced himself, smiling. He knew Vinnie would be dying to know your name.

You hold out a hand. "(Y/N), pleasure to meet you Skipp!"

 It's a lovely name! How long do you plan on performing here for?" He asked, glancing over at Vinnie, who was listening in behind a tall noble.

"Hey, anything to survive on the streets, besides, it's fun so I'll probably be here for as long as I can manage." You say as you shrug your shoulders.

Stone was completely enamored by you. His legs nearly felt like jelly, having to hold himself back from coming over and talking to you himself. Vinnie, on the other hand, was taking in all of the information she could get. You were just a regular Scrap like them, which meant you probably had quite a bit of money on you from the performance— perfect for pickpocketing.

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