A smile looks nice on you ... (Stone x reader)

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After a few years of running around with Skipp, Vinnie, and Stone, you can say you finally feel content. Sure, you four's situation could be a hundred times better with living on the streets, but you no longer feel alone and...bad.  Since then you've been a ray of sunshine, until recently...For about a week you've been more aloof, you haven't been quite attentive either...something was on your mind. 

The trio noticed this, you've been the most comfortable around Stone since you met the trio, so Skipp and Vinnie pushed Stone into asking you what's wrong (much to his protest, he isn't good at this stuff). So in the evening when you went for a smoke alone in a square patch of dirt and grass enclosed by the surrounding buildings, Stone went over there to see what was up.

When you came into view, you had just finished a cigarette and was rustling through an empty cigarette box only to find nothing. You tossed the box with a little huff, Stone then appeared next to you holding out a box of the cancer sticks. You grab one and nod a thanks before lighting it up, you then take a deep sigh as the smoke left your lips. 

Stone watches you for a moment, giving a quiet sigh of his own. For a while, the two of you just stood there quietly, taking long drags of your cigarettes and watching the darkening sky. The sun was nearly gone already, leaving a beautiful array of colors to accompany the full, nearly orange moon. Eventually, Stone broke the awkward silence, though his voice still remained quiet.

"...You're quiet tonight." He observed.

You let out an audible "hm..." of acknowledgment while watching the cigarette burn, your gaze focusing harder then one should be on the stick. 

Stone nods, taking another drag of his cigarette as he turns to watch the sky himself for a moment. After a moment, he glances back at you, a brow raised. "...Everything okay?" He asked. The way he spoke and the expression on his face made him seem like he really did care; that's a Stone trait you'd come to notice about him. Despite his quiet, grumpy, and indifferent demeanor, he was secretly rather caring and concerned about his friends.

You breath out another puff of smoke, taking time to respond. "My mind's just...busy is all." You attempted to keep your response sparse. 

Stone nods a bit again, his black hair gently shifting as he did. Looking back up at the sky, he took another deep inhale of his cigarette while he thought of a response.

"...About anything specific?" Stone murmured, turning back to you as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.

There was no other way around it, Stone was probably the hardest of the group to lie to or convince your fine. You sigh and respond "Just...stuff...I guess I don't know how to put it elusively so I'll just say it. Bad stuff, thinking about bad stuff." You flick your finished cig away, sink against the brick wall and prop your chin on your knuckles whilst sitting. 

Stone sighs quietly, looking down and finishing the rest of his cigarette as well. He flicks it away like you did, and turns his attention back to you.

In the soft moonlight, his emerald eyes glittered. His pale skin seemed to glow just the slightest bit, and the shadows made his tired bags worse around his eyes. For a moment, he pondered on what to say— he was never really good at comforting you, and this situation wasn't any different.

"...You wanna talk about it?"

You eyebrows furrow a bit, you didn't like having to put your own problems on other people. Moreover, you believed that people just did it because they felt like they had to, that they could honestly care less deep inside. 

 "It's fine...you don't have to do anything....really it's fine." You say quietly, justifying how Stone doesn't have to forcibly hear you vent.

As you started getting defensive, Stone simply sighed. He looked away and closed his eyes.

Ramshackle (Stone) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now