In Office

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Yn look at the shocked faces of the employees with furrowed eyebrows not getting why they are having such expression.

Jin took her with him to his office cabin while the left 6 brothers went to their own offices.

Jin made the little girl sit on chair who was looking around with her big doe eyes shining in adoration.

'Little bun don't go out. Ok.' Yn though nodded but Jin was unconvinced so to keep an eye on her, he made her sit on a chair placing it right beside his chair & removed his tie tying their hands.

Yn look at the knot blinking her eyes & pouted glaring at Jin who started working after handing her a story book.

Yn was looking at the pictures of books while also trying to open the knot.

She get angry after getting failed & mumbled unknown words looking at it.

Jin, whole time was aware of her actions but didn't reacted. He smiled looking at her scrunched up face which was screaming pure anger.

Yn look at the scissor placed in pen holder and bent forwards to grab that.

However the chair was at a bit distance from table and she also slide at edge of chair. Losing her balance she was going to fall but jin held her in air.

Yn's eyes widen in shock as she started crying.

Jin shushed her wiping her tears while she look at him with her teary eyes.

'Stop crying. It was your fault only'
Hearing his words, yn felt more sad & scratched his face in anger.

Small nails didn't affected him. But he get a hold on her hand.

'You want us to adopt daisy & give you back'
He threatened the little girl who shook her head in no.

'Return policy isn't available in our orphanage. You must bear the consequence of adopting me for your whole life'
Yn made her own theory wrapping her hands around his neck. Giving him her puppy eyes.

He internally chuckled sensing the fear in her voice

'But you know, we can tell them to change it. They will listen to us too if I offer them some money'
Yn found his words similar to that fox boy in TV and her eyes teared up. She looked down sobbing & unwrapped her hands around neck.

She doesn't like how he is so ready to use money to win argument against her just like that fox kid but she won't cry like that one with specs.

She wriggled getting down from his arms & distanced herself from him.

'Then you can bring daisy. Me will leave you all'
Jin's teasing smile vanished. Yn started leaving the cabin making him hold her hand.

'Yn, I was just teasing you. Come here.'
Yn shook her head looking at ground but he again carried her in his arms.

'Is my little daughter angry on me'
Yn's lips turned into a pout turning her brownish eyes away from his.

He pecked her whole face one by one

'Flower, I was just teasing you. I don't like that daisy.'
Yn was still not convinced. She folded her hand around chest making jin pout while he showed chocolate in his hands.

Yn look at it & gulp raising her hands to grab it but he pulled back showing his cheeks.

Yn kissed it and took the chocolate, opening the wrapper she started eating it.

'Feed me to'
Jin asked yn who look at chocolate licking it she passed a toothy smile towards him.

He glare at her teasingly and again placed her down before warning her not to pull any stunt.

Morning turned to noon, all brothers arrived to office to have lunch & we're surprised seeing yn on Jin's lap sleeping with open mouth.

Jin was also in deep slumber while yn's hand was patting his chest.

They chuckled together. Jhope hold yn in his arms placing her on couch.

Yoongi started waking up jin who flinched before waking up.
He look at his brothers then moved his gaze getting relax looking at yn sleeping on couch.

Jin ordered a staff to bring lunch which arrived in few minutes. They arranged the table.

'Little bunny wake up.'
Jungkook spoke caressing her hairs. Yn woke up looking at him with sleepy eyes.

'Bunny Dadda' he chuckled hearing the endearment and they open the lid serving food in plate. Jimin started feeding her.

Yn feeling sleepy only open her mouth each time whenever jungkook pat her back asking her to open mouth.

While they were having lunch, Namjoon got a call from their mother.

He recieved the call keeping it on speaker

'Hello....' His greeting got cut by a female voice that belonged to his mother.

'You stupid bear, I told you to go on the blind date, I arrenged for you but instead of that you decided to attend a school function & what you told that girl. You got a meeting huh'
His mother started scolding him.

The sleep vanished from yn's voice as a giggle came out from his mouth seeing her dadda getting scolded by someone.

Namjoon pouted looking at her making her cover her mouth.

'Who was it? It's a girl's voice. Oh my are you dating?'
The brothers all shouted together 'no' making the little girl flinch at it. She look at them with wide eyes not getting why they shouted.

'She is our daughter, mom. Yn greet her'
Yn controlled herself from again crying & nodded.

'Hello grandma, me is ynie'
The lady from other side gasped hearing a kid's voice.

'Daughter, who is that girl you married without telling me?'
They sighed hearing the baseless accusation of their mother.

'Mom, we adopted yn. We are not interested in marriage'
Their words worked like an earthquake to the lady. Who screamed in pure horror.

'What adopted a girl that too before marriage & what you said you don't want to marry anyone. I'll see how you won't, I have arranged one more date for you all & if this time you all refuse, I'll not eat anything'
She blackmailed the brothers who protested but it went in vain as the lady cut the call.

Hearing about marriage, yn fumed in anger. Another girl means her dadda maybe will leave her which she don't want & won't let it happen.

To Be Continued

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