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Yn was still in Jin's arms after half an hour. The four other brothers had returned and now was thinking how to comfort the little girl who is thinking they would leave her if she loosened up her grip.

Insecure is what she was feeling right now because of their rude behaviour from past days.

She even denied to eat anything because for that she had to leave him which she doesn't want.

'Bun, we won't leave you. Why are you so scared' Jungkook spoke looking at yn who turned to him hearing it.

'We won't leave you.' I won't go away from you'  The biggest lie someone could ever say to you.
She doesn't trust on these kinds of commitments. People would say it and then leave her. She has another kind of fear towards these type of promises but they don't have to know about it.

'I thought you all left me' Her voice come out soft and serene trying to hide the longing fear of her.

They all released a deep breath.

'We won't leave you. Now be a good girl and eat food' Yn sat straight taking the burger in her hand biting onto it.

'You were scared for nothing. We won't leave you' Yn just gave a nod not having enough faith on her voice.

After she was done eating it, she looked at her hand which had ketchup smeared on it.

Before, she could wipe it in her dress jhope hold her hand.

'The lake is nearby. Don't spoil your doesn't Yn look around. The lake didn't come in her sight making her raise an eye brow looking at him with suspicious gaze.

He chuckled seeing her looking at him as he did something wrong.

Taking her with him, he showed her the lake.

Yn's eyes sparkled ready to jump in it bit before she could so jhope grabbed her from the collar of her dress taking her back.

Yn struggled getting away from his hold running to the lake but he again grabbed her taking her back to camp.

Yn pout in defeat glaring at jhope through side eyes which he ignored royally.

They decided to roam around them forest. It wasn't deep for an animal to live in that's why people always come here for camping but small animals like rabbit, garden snakes,  red squirrels could be found here.

Tangerine was in taehyung's hold because being a cat, it can attack on the animals while yn was in Namjoon's hold.

While walking for long, they got tired sitting on ground, they decided to take a break drinking water from their bottle.

'Dadda, do we live here today' She ask looking above at the sky which was turning darker now.

'Yes, It won't be good if we travel in night' Namjoon suggested because of midnight accidents and robbery cases.

'I think, we should leave before night. It won't be good if animals attacked us' Though the rabbit and squirrels are no harm. Snakes could be poisonous. Atleast enough to attack them along with they are with yn, if in midnight, she got up and got scared.

They all got up again going back to their camp.

'Little one, are you still upset' Yn shook her head in no as they collect their things.

Till the time they were done packing up things it was already 10 O'clock.

Sitting inside the car, they drove back while singing along with the radio playing in the background.

Squeak, screech, squeak. The car made the sounds before stopping in midway.

They all look at Jungkook who was driving the car. Black smog started coming out from the engine making them sigh.

'Aish, it has to stop now only' Taehyung let out a sigh of frustration. Yn look outside. The city light and moon was enough to let her see outside clearly.

They were still near forest but it wasn't the same one they had went.

There sat the peacock on the branch with his colourful feathers fold up resting on the branch.

'Dadda' She nudged jimin's shirt indicating him to look outside.

They all turned where yn was looking at. Their mouth gaping in surprise.

It's hard to see peacock in city. They only come in sight when the rain is going to start soon. As they were thinking about it the rain actually started.

Jungkook cursed messing up the words realising he is with a kid.

He was also admiring the beauty of peacock but this is not a good time to admire it when they are stuck in the middle of road with their car breaking down.

'The peacock and the sight is beautiful but are you all forgetting we are stuck in the middle of the way'

His voice make them come into reality. Namjoon check on his phone for a hotel near their car.

Fortunately, He found two. They decided to go there covering yn with his coat jin hold her in his arm.

Taehyung cover them under his umbrella reaching to the hotel and booked 4 rooms.

Leaving yn in one room with tangerine after showing her their room, they also went to sleep.

Yn let out a yawn before climbing on bed and sleeping.

In morning

Taehyung woke up yn for breakfast.

'Little one, get up' Yn whined before opening her eyes looking at him with sleepy eyes. He told her to brush her teeth while he waited for her.

He took her to the restaurant where the six brothers were already seated waiting for them.

'Good morning dadda' The greeted her back feeding her one by one.

While walking back to outside, Yn heard someone calling her or more like taking her name.

She stopped, looking around to find someone familiar but she only met with strangers.

Jungkook called her looking at her spacing out.

'What happened' Yn shook her head in no. Not finding it important to tell him. Maybe she misheard it or the person was probably talking about someone else.

They left to their home. Getting dressed in her school uniform, yn walked to the school with jimin.

To Be Continued

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