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Yn's face turned pale when the long forgotten homework striked in her mind.

She held jungkook leaning into his body pretending to be weak and lost of energy.

'What happened, Little one' He asked taking her in his arms.

'Uhmm dadda I'm not feeling well. Can I not go to school today'
Yn mumbled. Her throught dry and scratchy.

'No, You will feel better once you are there'
Jungkook said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Yn knew, he was right somewhere but if she go to school with undone homework, her teacher would definitely punish her.

The two eldest brothers also arrived and heard their convo

'Yn, Little one , you look pale. Are you feeling alright?'

Asked the second eldest inducing her to shook her head in no.

'Not good, can I take some rest at home'

The three brothers exchanged glances, eyebrows furrowed.

That's stupid, You would be all fine after going to school and playing with your friends'

The voice echoed in the whole Hall that belonged to the fourth and most strict brother, who would not like tolerate if she skip the school.

'You must attend school. You cannot miss your lessons!' his stern voice brooking no argument.

'But I'm really not feeling well,'
she protested, her voice barely a whisper.

'My head feels like it's going to explode.' We understand yn but your test is going to start soon. We shouldn't be lenient towards your studies.

Jungkook tried to lighten the mood.

'Maybe a little bit of fresh air will do you good, Yn. Come on, let's go for a walk!'
He suggested but yn was in no mood.

'No, thank you,' she replied, her voice strained.

Till the time, the four brothers were trying to convince yn, the left three brothers arrived too. When the second youngest asked the reason, Jin told him everything from start making the three of them anxious as well.

The seven fathers, their concern growing with each passing moment, were determined to get their daughter to school. They tried everything – a hearty breakfast spread, inspiring words of wisdom, even a gentle nudge toward the door. But Yn remained firm.

'Yn, last night, dining dinner you said you are fine then why are you not feeling well now' Jimin asked making yn took her lower lip between her teeths.

Yn hesitated, her cheeks flushing crimson. She took a deep breath and confessed,

'I forgot to do my homework. I was feeling sick yesterday, and I completely forgot about it.'

The room fell silent. The seven fathers stared at their daughter, their expressions shifting from concern to understanding. The tension eased, replaced by a wave of affection.

After taking a long pause, Jin spoke, his voice booming with a chuckle

'Ah, that explains it! You see, Yn, there's no need to worry about a little homework. We can help you catch up.'

Yoongi grinned, before continuing with Jin

'Maybe a little extra studying with your seven dads will make it even more fun!' He narrowed his eyes in funny way asking her opinion on which she happily agreed.

'But..... You lied to us. Which is a very wrong act'
Said Namjoon, his voice filled with slight anger.

Hearing him, the other six also realised about it as they turned their face to yn.

She visibly shivered under their gaze.

'Sorry, dadda.' She spoke looking down.

'No sorry, go and stand facing the wall with hands up'

Jungkook dropped her down on ground pointing towards the white plan wall.

Yn look at others but none of them paid any heed.

She walked towards the wall facing it and raised her hands up.

Her face turned more gloomy when they just started eating without her.

After an hour, they decided to stop her punishment and called her informing her.

Yn put her hands going down to her room losing her appetite.

'Yn, have your breakfast first.'

Yn continued walking until yoongi held her arm.

'Me isn't hungry' Her voice soft yet low not holding any kind of joy come out of her throat.

'It's not good to skip breakfast' Yoongi continued but yn was still staring deep at the floor.

She removed his hands from her arms and continued to walk away.

Yn sighed huffing her cheeks after she got carried by him.

'Why are you upset. It's totally your fault. We hate lies and liars'

Yn sobbed thrashing around in his hold.

' leave ynie, me no want you' His grip tightened around her to make sure she won't fall.

'Yn, Lying is wrong. You got punishment for it. Now if you skip breakfast we'll again give you punishment'

A pout formed on yn's lips, she didn't like the tone they are using on her from few days.

Now even her lovely dadda is scolding her.
She stopped struggling and with slow movement get out of his hold turning her heels towards dining room.

She denied eating from their hands. Taking the spoon in her hand.

After breakfast, she left to her room flopping herself on bed, she was going to sleep but the knock on her just repaired door disturbed her.

She open it to see jimin standing.

'Dear, let's complete your homework' He said entering inside.

Yn internally groaned in frustration.

'Dadda, not now. I'm tired' She started pushing him out but her strength is nothing compared to his body.

'Na-ah, no more excuses. Namjoon hyung already told me how you always run away during study time. Now go, bring your books' she sighed having no any other option and took her bag taking out all the books.

While he was teaching her, she was trying to not fall asleep or yawn. Study always suck all her energy.

She's not an A+ student. She would thank god if she get passing marks. That's more than enough for her.

'Dadda, now enough' She tried to close the book but he stopped her in mid way by slamming his hand over book hardly just to keep the book open but it made yn flinch as she look at his hand and book with wide horrified gaze.

To Be Continued

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