Harry x Reader

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Harry; a nineteen year old living with a few of his friends. Nothing odd about it, but, as long as (y/n) has known him, he and his friends have had a thing for accidentally summoning strange creatures. There was Paige the sketchbook, Tony the talking clock, Shrignold the butterfly, and the recent additions; Colin the computer and Gilbert the globe. You liked them all in a strange way, except for Paige. Why? Because she was your sketchbook that you had left over the house, she has all your drawings and I mean all your drawings. Which means; she knows all the secrets that you have drawn in there plus the ones you wrote. Shit is lovey dove-y too. That weird ass butterfly friend of yours would be so proud to see all that love. You looked down at their porch, a blushing mess.
'Man she better keep her mouth shut or I'll burn her..' It was an empty threat, you loved your sketchbook. After all she was yours.

Sighing you knocked on the door, only to hear a scream and glass break. You jumped slightly at the sudden noise, your knocking becoming rapid. After a few minutes, Colin opened the door, a smirk plastered on his face. "Why hello (y/n)~"

You raised your hand, cheeks still blushing a deep red from before. "Flirt later pretty boy, what was that scream, and what the hell broke?"
"Well dear (y/n), if you must know, that freaky butterfly was chasing around your knight in blood red armor."

A slight growl left your lips as you pushed past Colin and into the house, you then walked into the living room to see everyone but poor Manny fighting to the death. Knowing what you had to do, you stood on the coffee table and tried to get everyone's attention.





Your eyes were practically (e/c) flames at this point. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN!"

That did it. Everyone stopped, including Colin, and he was in the other room. Terrified I might add.

Your eyes were glowing in anger as you stared everyone down. "Sit."

With that command everyone flopped to the floor, some rubbing their ass in pain but not daring to move an inch. You pointed to Colin. "Free to go."

He nodded and stood. You were scary, no doubt about it. As he was walking away you did a quick head count.

'Butterfreak, Manny, Robin, Mr. Meh (Tony), Paige, GilGlobe,-' you smiled softly, but quickly turned back into your angry face. '- and of course Harry.'

You sat on the table, "Manny, come sit with me."

He nodded sweetly and walked toward the table. Sitting on the floor he awaited your next move. You laughed to everyone's surprise. "Manny you're adorable!" You squealed.

A hint of jealousy hit Harry, his skin red with slight anger as he watched you pet Manny. He cleared his throat. Snagging everyone's attention from the cute scene in front of them. "Continue (y/n)."

You blushed and rubbed your neck sheepishly. "Oh yeah, you guys are in serious trouble, thanks for reminding me Harry!"

Everyone shot glares towards the man now hiding behind his scarf, if looks could've killed, Harry would've been dead at that moment. "Line up. I want to hear everyone's side of the story."

With that they stumbled to their feet and did as you said. First in line was Paige. "Begin."

*le small time skip*

The living room was destroyed, bloody noses were everywhere, and the furniture was all over the room, not including the couch out in the front hallway with Manny sitting on it. No one has ever seen you this angry. Paige told the stupid Butterfreak and he was trying to hurt Harry because he said love didn't exist. You were standing in the middle of the living room, nose bleeding and a few scratches on your face. Manny noticed a change. You were shaking, and silent tears were streaming down your face. "He's right.." You looked up staring at Harry. "There's no such thing as love.."

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