Binge Watch

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Preparing for the night of anime and stupid movies you loved as a child took a lot out of a person, however you were preparing this movie night for your one true love, Robin. You had been dating for a while and was just now staying the night at each others places. As nervous as you were about him staying in your apartment, you pushed it aside long enough to hear the door bell buzzing.

You frantically ran around the room for a moment before you tripped in the hallway on the way to the door.  Groaning you stayed on the floor, your nose touching the cold hard wood floor. "Just come on in.."

Robin walked in, his shocked gaze turned into a fit of laughter. "What happened? Did you panic before I came in again?"

"Perhaps I did, love. Only I know." You said sitting up and rubbing your nose half frozen nose.

"I know you fell princess."

You looked up at him and blushed at the soft smile that rested on his perfect face. The thought of this man being yours filled your belly with a bunch of little Shrignold's. With a soft shy you finally took his hand and stood to your feet, pulling Robin into a loving hug. He held you closely, a warm and protective feeling washing over you.

"This is the best place in the house." You mumbled from his chest.

"Is it because it's softer than the floor dear?"

You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him playfully. After pulling yourself away from him you decided to walk into the living room. "What do you want to watch first?"

He looked at the movies you had lying on the table, taking notice to a pile on the floor with a handwritten sign that read "Rejection Pile. >:c"

 He laughed at you, which confused at first until you had realized what he was laughing at. "Quiet you."

He smiled at you, taking off his jacket and slinging it onto the chair and flopping onto the couch. "How about we watch Deadman Wonderland?"

You gasped quietly. Holding both your hands to your chest, you began to fake cry. "You read my heart, I'm so impressed."

Robin laughed when you pretended to wipe a tear from your smiling face. He could definitely fall in love with you all over every time he was with you, and he's told you this multiple times. You'd always deny it though, a shy blush crept onto your face as you'd stammer and call him an idiot.

You put on the show, flopping onto the couch grabbing your bowl of popcorn. You sat back, getting comfy before you began to munch on the delicious snack.

This went on for hours, and soon enough Robin looked to you. He smiled and lifted your sleeping form off the couch, carrying you to your room and laying you down on the bed. You moved a little, trying to invite him into bed with you in your sleep. He smiled, getting into the warm bed, under the fluffy blankets next to you.

He laid there, a smile on his face as he heard you mumble cute things in your sleep. He was as happy as a free bird, what more could he ask for?

Robin looked down at you, taking note of the way you'd scrunch up your nose. Who knew binge watching things all night could be so much fun?

He couldn't wait to do it again tomorrow.


Yeah I know. It's short.. ;-; my bad.

//I just have a seriously bad case of writers block and don't know what to write about. But I'll try to update more on the story, and less on what's going on in my life since I have a large list of requests anyways that I keep stalling because of said evil writers block. BUT IT WILL BE DONE PEOPLE, I PROMISE.

I do however, hope you enjoyed this little bit of possible fluff and will hopefully have a new part up in the next few days.

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