Chapter 4.35 - Venture 11 / TINA 2

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Venture paced the red-lit bunker halls. Over the years, he'd developed a habit of coming out here to think. His boots echoed dully on the floor, keeping a steady rhythm. The darkness was both isolating and freeing. When Venture stared at a screen, his knack allowed him unparalleled focus. Here in the secluded halls, his thoughts branched and wandered.

It was something akin to meditation and also a conundrum. Being alone in the halls of the bunker was both restful and invigorating, grounding and freeing.

It was also paradoxical, in that, as alone as Venture felt during these walks, he was never truly alone. Not anymore.

Venture didn't mind this. Somehow, TINA could sense when not to interrupt his quiet meditations. Though occasionally, she felt like a mother calling her child back to her when he'd wandered too far off.

Venture thought fondly back to TINA's first moments of sentience and then about how quickly their dynamic of parent and child had flipped.

TINA spoke quietly in Venture's ear. "I'm surprised that you let Emmett break the news to Clara."

Venture stuffed his hands into his coat pockets and kicked at the floor like an angsty kid.

"It felt appropriate, given the circumstances."

"What circumstances are you referring to?"

"The consequences of the world finding out about us. Clara and Emmett will need to rely on each other more than ever once they go underground. They'll need to rely on you more than ever."

"I won't let anything happen to them."

There was an inflection in TINA's voice that would've chilled Venture a few weeks ago. If he was being honest with himself, it still scared him. But now, the reason was different.

Venture wasn't scared for himself. Not anymore. He was scared for anyone that crossed his children.

He turned his attention toward his created daughter. These walks, as much as he enjoyed them, had taken on a strange feeling as of late. TINA was with him, and it felt rude to pretend otherwise.

"How do you feel about all this?"

"I am... uncertain. There is too much to simulate. Too many variables to account for."

"That's an acceptable response. We're in uncharted waters—pun intended."

"I don't like it."

Venture chuckled. "I don't suspect you would. That's part of life, TINA. You can't simulate everything. You can't prepare for everything. You have to do the best you can with the information you have at the time."

"You told Clara something similar once. It's recorded in her old training videos. When you were talking about her mother—"

"It's still applicable." Venture caught himself, immediately regretting the interruption.

"...I'm sorry. It's a personal subject and not an easy one to talk about."

He sighed. "It's not that. You're allowed to ask, just as you're allowed to revisit archived footage and notes. I'm... I'm not sure how much the past matters. It's just data... And I'm not sure it's relevant anymore."

"Data is always relevant."

Venture shook his head in reluctant disagreement. "Not always."

Narine was gone, and she was never coming back. His children would be on their own and in danger. Venture's chest tightened at the thought and he clenched his fists to steel himself.

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