Season 2 Chapter 1 - Council Clashes and Conflict I

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Lucias had added team Vali to his peerage, with Valiana being his Queen, Arthur being his Knight, Kuroka and Bikou as his Rooks and Le Fay being his 2nd Bishop .

He'd also contacted Sona to see if she could get them enrolled into Kuoh Academy as an extra bout of insurance to ensure that they are close by and not under threat.

Kuoh Academy- 08:00

Issei is in class with Asia and Kiba along with Tsubasa when the teacher makes an announcement.

Teacher: Morning everyone, let's settle down, we will be having a new student joining us here today.

Everyone was anticipating who the new student was whilst Issei, Kiba, Asia and Tsubasa knew who it was.

At that moment a silver haired girl entered the class ,which attracted cheers from the rest of the class ,boys because a new girl had entered, girls was because they added to the female population, and some people were already calling her the third Onee-sama.

Teacher: Alright you can introduce yourself.

Vali: Hello everyone, I'm Valiana Morningstar ,you can also call me Vali. I'm from the US ,I ask that you treat me well.

Teacher: Does anyone have any questions for Miss Vali?

The entire class raised their hands ,as Katase asked first.

Katase: Do you have any interests?

Vali: I have a dept interest in fighting and martial arts.

Murayama: Do you have any interests in Kendo?

Vali: Unfortunately not, I'm more of a hand to hand fighter.

Aika: Why did you choose Kuoh Academy?

At this point Vali points at Issei, garnering the attention of the class, as he sunk in his seat.

Vali: It's because of Issei actually, he helped me a while back ,and he helped me come to this school.

He then got glares from the boys in the class as the Perverted Duo tried punching him but he ended up judo throwing them

Issei: What the hell is your problem???

Motohama: Why is it always you, why are the girls flocking to you???

Issei: Probably because I don't perv out on the girls.

This got the girls dreaming about him, as the Vali snickered a bit.

Teacher: Alright everyone settle down, Vali you can go sit infront of Issei.

The class settled down for their morning lessons.

SC - Class 1-A

Whilst in Class 1A another new student joined the class.

Le Fay: Hello everyone: I'm Le Fay Pendragon, I'm from the United Kingdom.

Teacher: Alright miss Le Fay you can sit next to Koneko. If you may raise your hand Koneko

Koneko raised her hand as Le Fay went to sit next to her.

Koneko: I'm Koneko Toujou, Rias' Rook. You must be Ise's second Bishop?

Le Fay:Yes, you're Kuroka's younger sister?

Koneko: Yeah, I am hoping to see her soon.

Le Fay: You'll see her at lunch, she's here as well, along with the others in Ise's peerage.

SC - Class 3-A

In class 3-A , It was Kuroka, Bikou and Arthur who joined the fray.

Teacher: We have 3 new students here everyone, I expect you to treat them well.

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