Chapter 1

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I awoke on a couch in a strange house not knowing how I got there or where I was. I found both my legs and arms tied and a rope connecting me to the wall.

A tall, tanned man in the room handsome as he was fit and defined.

He doesn't talk much but I'm pretty sure I've been kidnapped. He leaves food and water for me and sort of explains that I am now his.

Something about him seems sad, like he regrets his decisions in life but doesn't know how to make them right.

After about a week of being here I decide to play along. One night he comes back late and sits on the couch next to me where I've been sleeping. I shimmy myself into his lap, using his legs as a pillow and sigh and pretend to sleep.

He seems surprised as he softly strokes my hair. Before he pulls me up so he can rest his back against the chair leaving my head in his lap. I drift back to sleep and awake in the morning.

He's still there my head still in his lap, I can feel his bulge under my head, he seems to still be asleep, but I cuddle closer into his chest, and he seems to stir awake as he wraps his arms around my chest. Not sure what his end game is but he hasn't hurt me yet, so I don't know why he kidnapped me.

After a bit of laying there awake and thinking to myself, trying to figure out how to ask him why I'm here, why I am bound. What he wants from me.

I sat up and looked at him. He seems pained and still seems confused why I cuddled him. Just as much as it seems he needed the comfort I did too. Without talking he started to undo my hands leaving only one bound and he undid my legs also leaving one unbound. Being able to stretch for the first time felt good.

"Why am I here?"

"You are mine now."

"What does that mean."

"I couldn't leave you behind. I needed you."

Still confused with no answers I tilted my head at him as he started to seem uncomfortable with this conversation.

"What is going to happen to me. When will I be able to leave"

"I won't hurt you; I'll take care of you."

He got up and left me alone in the living room. Probably going to get me food.

Looking around the room again, finally having freedom to walk on my own without him needing to escort me every inch, I checked the length of the rope I had. I could only walk about half the living room but that was better than not being able to walk at all. I decided to stretch my legs and arms more stretching them far above my head. Unable to do much more I sat back on the couch trying to decide my next move.

Knowing the only way to get out of this situation is to gain his trust. I don't know what he wants from me, and I must play my cards carefully. Pretty sure he likes me in romantic ways, sure he's attractive but I'm also married with a kid... will I have to sleep with him willingly to gain his trust? If he wants me romantically, why hasn't he tried forcing himself on me? Is he mentally sick and just fell for me and decided to kidnap me to keep me as his trophy?

**Hello everyone! This story was inspired by a dream I had. I'm a new writer and this is just for fun writing. I would appreciate any feedback you can give me.**

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